Digital (NSFW)

144 thoughts on “Digital (NSFW)

  1. Hot

    1. very hot!

      1. Let me assure you, UFIA is -never- hot

        1. M, true, but that’s why no real people were fingerly raped in an orifice.

    2. Hey, someone left the first comment without yelling “FIRST!” I’m surprised.

      1. Its not all about you


        1. What, you’re not sure whether or not your want me to shut the fuck up?

        2. Its not all about you

          Ah, sorry darling. Would you kindly shut the fuck up?

        3. ...when the songbirds sing.

          Why should she, exactly? I mean, i was surprised too…

        4. ya straight up this is most likely the first time its happened so yea
          america ….. fuck yea

        5. I am disinclined to acquiesce your request. I don’t see any reason as to why you should be so offended by my comments.

        6. SOMEONE has watched POTC recently 😛

        7. Or they just talk like that.

        8. I wouldn’t say recently . . . Otherwise she woulda got the quote right “I am disinclined to acquiesce to your request” but that’s just me being a grammar Nazi

        9. I had actually watched the first one, half of the second, and gone to see the fourth POTC last night, but I do actually talk like that from time to time, especially when I want to vex someone who doesn’t have the same aptitude for vocabulary that I do.
          And snap, I guess I didn’t get that quote exactly right, but up until yesterday, I hadn’t exactly seen it in a long time.

    3. am i the only person on this entire website that thinks this is not hot at all, and somewhat borders on gross?

      1. Yep.

        Not gross. Hotness will depend upon the reaction, but until then, hot.

        Placing bets on the stink.

  2. And the bikini battle hurtles toward its climax. As does half the readership.

    1. Your name precedes you, my good sir.

  3. ignition!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Which one, I pray its the pink and not the stink!

    1. She’s working on giving a “Vulcan Greeting”

  5. Best. Finisher. EVER. If wrestling was more like this (Hot girls, j-ello, and finishers like that) I might be a more devoted fan.

    1. You’ve never seen the lesbian wrestling on Clips of it are everywhere.

      1. The Negro Guy agrees.

    2. look up ultimate surrender on redtube

    3. Interestingly enough, this kind of thing does happen in Olympic Wrestling. As long as the ref doesn’t catch it it isn’t considered illegal. You have to do whatever it takes to set your opponent off balance. It also happens in rugby.

      You’ve just been learned.

      1. That explains a lot about rugby players.

        1. While that may be true that rugby players do that, I hate to see what they do to the guy that accuses them of it!

  6. I’m happy to see that nobody has attempted a post of “First” yet.

    Also – Kinky.

    1. I made sure to snipe the first post with something other than first, just cause I got tired of the 5 posts of “First!” every day.

  7. THAT IS AWESOME. I don’t think anyone could have predicted anal fingerage as an outcome.

    Standing ovation from me 🙂

    1. Wrong hole

      1. Right hole.

        1. The Unknown One

          I daresay we’ll see for sure on Monday

      2. As they say in Alabama…”Son..there are no wrong holes…”

      3. As they say in Alabama….”There is no wrong hole”

  8. Are you serious? I have to wait until MONDAY to get resolution on this?! AAUGH!!!

  9. no nip-slip this time, yet still NSFW.

    I doubt that jello is recommended as an anal lube.

    oh, and EWWWWWWWWW!

  10. what? what? in the butt!!!

    1. Oh, Red, you bastard. Putting that in my head…

    2. mission accomplished 🙂

  11. Quite the showstopper, lol.

    1. or show starter …hehehe

  12. Oh my, gotta hate when your wrestling in jelly with another naked person of your gender and someone slips.

    1. Happen to you often does it?

      1. Wait, you say it DOESN’T happen to you?
        This makes me feel awkward.

        1. Don’t worry, Nikolai, you’re not the only one feeling awkward… ^^’

  13. Thats an X-Ray move right there.

  14. I must say, “SHTOOMP” is one of the best sound effects ever.

    1. Thank you, thank you.

      Try saying it out loud. It’s fun!

      1. Oh wow, I just tried and it is fun! It kind of sounds like putting a cork in jug! (am I pronouncing it right, then?)

        1. Should I be concerned that this is amusing me so much?

        2. You should try “Woomch!” some time while thinking of an old school catapult, probably my favorite sound effect ever.

        3. Yep you can’t be “Woomch”

    2. SHTOOMP! There it is! XD

  15. Σ(゜д゜ )

    Jason: I was thinking the same thing. Thats a 53%er right there.

  16. It may be a little out of character for the readers here, but I’m pretty sure her pinky finger is broken in the last panel. Also: brilliant show chap.

    1. …yeah, that was unintentional. Fixed. Thanks!

  17. Wait, what? What orifice just got unintentionally penetrated? Is that what happened?
    I was just thinking, that if either of them got any of that jello in their hoo-ha, then they’re gonna have one hell of a yeast infection. Sugar and vagina don’t mix!

    1. ACTUALLY…as long as no sugar was added, I believe there would be no worry of a yeast infection as I am pretty sure you have to add sugar to Jell-O to make it sweet. Much like kool-aid.

      1. I’m fairly certain jello is pre-sweetened. And they sell pre-sweetened Kool-Aid now too, in large container. The packets however, are still unsweetened.

        1. But it’s just gelatin. so it’s technically legal.

        2. This is Food Baron own brand. It probably has 100% artificial sweetener, along with the legal maximum amount of preservatives, to extend shelf life, and allow them to sell those packets that fall down the back of the racks in the stockroom. I’d say that if Tracy had an existing yeast infection, Miranda has probably just cured it. >:=)>

        3. or she fed the crabs for a year…..

        4. Or wiped them out more effectively than the “Special” blankets the white man gave my people.

        5. Those were perfectly good blankets. See? I’m wearing one *cough* right now!

          …I don’t feel so good….

  18. suddenly every dog in 5 mile radius drops to the ground howling in pain…

  19. At this point, it could only end one way…

    1. That or horrible lawsuits and termination and such …we will et to see how much of a bitch tracy can be…or “this mexican chicks tounge”

      1. For some reason, I feel like “your honor, she slipped while we were wrestling half naked in jello” doesn’t quite stand strong in court…

        I mean, the Juge WILL have to distribtue highfives, but I don’t think you’ll win the case.

        1. “Ah’m sorry, but I can’t render a verdict today. I am far too busy being delicious”

  20. Ooh, not as planned. This catfight is about to get some wet pussy.


  22. FIRST!!!!

    ……oh wait

    also, i hope she doesn’t botch the finish

  23. Let’s hope Bill didn’t just see that…

  24. Well, if Les was already so in tune to the fight before… wonder what he would be like now?

    1. can excessive boner give you a heart attack?

  25. The man who knows all

    Suplex fail or catfight win, you decide.

  26. Wait so is she in her pussy or her ass; I can’t tell.

    Either way hooray Miranda’s technically a rapist now. No matter what the outcome of this she can probably say goodbye to her job.

    1. Personally I think it’s the former of the two.

      [quick trip to Wikipedia]

      And yes, it does seem to coincide with the general definition of rape in either case, although I wouldn’t be completely confident about it… did she really physically force penetration, or was it an unfortunate consequence of the presence of jello (which was not Miranda’s fault, as she didn’t put the jello there, or choose to move the fight into the jello)? Anyway, I doubt that Tracy is going to be taking legal action.

      1. Yeah, Tracy really has no place to talk given her previous activities. As for the legal ramifications, I doubt the law would do anything about it this time. Accidents happen and jello is highly slippery. The evidence says accident to any lawman not on the take.

        1. Heh, you said “ramifications”. *Chuckle* Tee hee hee!

  27. Such are the dangers of jello-wrestling.
    Now, I really would have expected her hand to slip in the opposite direction along the leg if we were being realistic. Maybe she was just getting a better grip instead?


    1. Lol just about died laughing :]

    2. No matter the outcome…


  29. Two finger salute?

    And big ups on not copping to an “accidental” single finger.

  30. I would guess tracy has been poked in that hole before so the shocker won’t be much of a shocker.

  31. wow they serve everything at this barbeque. Ham, tofu, and even a goose 😉


    2:10. Miranda is not original at all…

  33. The Caucasian Guy

    I feel this is required


  34. Now the long 2 day wait to see what happens!

  35. I gotta say, the kancho bodyslam is probably the most effective move in Miranda’s arsenal.

    1. aha i bet its called the kancho cuz it just went up tracy’s kancho.

      1. Actually, no.

        “kancho” is Japanese. It’s a maneuver often performed by schoolboys on each other. Sneak up behind unsuspecting victim, stick fingers into anal area. Their equivalent of a wedgie.

  36. Quoth the Raven: OH LAWD!

  37. Final panel isn’t even the punchline. It’s the expressions in the third. Gold!

  38. Austin Powers (Im serious thats my name)

    What I’m wondering is where are they going from there?

    1. To get a room?

  39. Reminds me of a segment of the Osbournes where Sharon and Kelly were wrestling on the floor. At one point Kelly says “Mom, your finger is in my asshole!” to which Sharon replies “I know”.

  40. Serves Tracy right, she’s been such an a**hole. An example of poetic justice.

  41. Where does it go from here?

    Alternative #1: It’s all over. Tracy will be sitting on ice for some time, and then heads home in shame.

    Alternative #2: Miranda is thoroughly disgusted at this turn of events. Stunned, lose 1 turn. Tracy takes advantage. Serious ripping commences. Nobody notices that Arne has started recording the proceedings.

  42. Aww man…. Even if Miranda wins, I feel like she just lost… I mean she’s in there without a glove, and she slipped by the bathing suit, so right now there is nothing protecting her from the nastiness that is tracy….

  43. That is the best sound effect for this happening …ever!

  44. Was she going for the Rock Bottom?

  45. “Shtoomp”.

    Don’t you mean “Schtup”? It would be worth the pun…

  46. You’re all mistaken, she just got poked in the perineum. All I have to say is, ouch.

    1. Never considered the concept of getting poked in the taint. Ouch, indeed.

    2. Dat ain’t taint…

      1. No, taint wouldn’t make such a delightful sound effect. Miranda definitely struck orifice.

        (BTW, I love your picture. I swear my cat gives me that look all the time)

  47. Dave (aka Nev the Deranged)

    …okay, am I the only one who thinks this is going too far? I mean, I dig lesbian jello wrestling as much as any straight guy who digs lesbian jello wrestling, but this is going in a very rapey direction.

    …Sorry, I’ll just shut up now and let everyone get back to enjoying the comic…


  49. Well, that’s got to be unpleasant for all involved parties. And it’s going to be even less pleasant if Miranda finishes that move and slams Tracy’s spine across her knee with her fingers still lodged in there. And it’s going to be even less pleasant than that if she ever has to explain that she broke her fingers accidentally molesting her coworker while intentionally delivering a spinebuster.

    1. You sir(or ma’am) should be a university professor, with wording as provided

  50. Too…Slippery. LOL Tracy is gonna either A: be really pissed or B: be really interested.
    and of course all the guys will high-five.

  51. …and boom goes the dynamite.

    1. Giggity Giggity

  52. I have to question the sound effect, “shtoomp”. It kinda sounds like it hit something. *old fashioned announcer voice* “Is Tracy a Tranny? Is Nate a little too dense to figure it out? Is Miranda totally fired? Find out next week, on TREADING GROOOUND!”

    1. Personally, ‘shtoomp’ makes me think of a vacuum getting plugged. Which raises even stranger questions…

  53. can anyone say “spocker”? in all seriousness though with the rep that is given for Tracy she might as well be as loose as a garbage bag.

  54. two fingers, I really think it might not be in the hole people are thinking it is.

    Just saying.

  55. The One and Only Titan

    This can only end well…

  56. “… and life was never the same afterward.”

  57. ZA WARUDO!!!


  59. Going for a power bomb by the look of it. However…

  60. I think we’re all missing the important point here.
    Namely, Tracy’s face, panel 3

  61. Nice work, but a better name for it might be “finish her”.

  62. Well, in amateur wrestling that move is called “Checking the oil”

  63. Oh HELL yeah!

  64. One question : Did the fingers enter the “front door” or the “back door” ?

    1. “Back door”, which is awesome. 😀

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