About the Comic
Treading Ground is centered around 21-year-old Nate Ashborne, who splits his time between putting up with his supermarket job and waiting for life to no longer suck, without bothering to make any efforts to change things. His life is further complicated when he meets Rose, a remarkable neighborhood girl who is just a little too open about sex.
The title of the comic describes Nate’s current state. Much like treading water, Nate is moving around without actually going anywhere. He’s just a little drier while doing it.
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About the Author
As a cynical grocery industry expatriate, I borrow parts of the story from my own experience. No one is an exact copy, but many of the characters you see are based in part on myself and/or other people I’ve known. (Rose, on the other hand, is completely original. Sorry!)
I emigrated to Atlanta in late 2005 as a refugee from suck-torn South Carolina. Aside from webcomics, I’m also into Star Trek, anime, politics, Linux, EDM, and bicycling.
I’m @nickthewright on Twitter, Mastodon and Instagram, or you can send me an email at nick at treadingground dot com.
You can see more of my writing, vocal and art work on That SciFi Guy.