It’s not exactly an announcement that will uncurl your pubics, but there’s new stuff afoot!
For the past several months I have been working on improvements to the comic and the site with the goal of making it look better and read better.
Colors – When I originally started TG, I went with grayscale for a lot of it. I eventually figured out that was just as time-consuming, but had the side effect of not being as nice to look at. Now every comic in the archive is now in comparatively glorious full color!
Horizontal Formatting – Every comic in the archive is also now in horizontal comic strip format! Okay, this part probably doesn’t make that much of a difference to you other than a smoother reading experience, but if I ever want to publish a book it’ll be pretty important.
Dialogue Improvements – Many of these are minor – a better joke here and clearer wording there, but I’ve also done a little playing with time scales. The essential story elements are the same, but I’ve made the series less convoluted and problematic overall.
Consider this new version the TG Director’s Cut. With these updates, I really feel like the comic is the strongest it has ever been. Give it another read-through and enjoy!
20 thoughts on “Site Update – Color Comics, Better Jokes, and More”
Ol' Reader Stumbling In
Hi Nick! I just started reading back from the start after all these years (I followed up to the end of the initial run) and I am rediscovering TG in glorious coloured format (it’s awesome).
I just wanted to let you know that, reading from the start, it seems comic #35 is not there; the Archive goes straight from #34 to #36. Thanks for giving your old comic some love! I remember loving it back then, and I look forward to reading it once more!
Nick Wright
Hi! Thanks for the kind words, and I’m glad to continue to entertain!
Good point about #35. That was part of the old yaoi storyline I put in the OOC section, but it hadn’t quite made it there yet. One of these days I’ll get around to removing the numbers so people won’t be confused.
No, wait. Wrong decade.
But seriously. This is awesome, Nick. 🙂
Nick Wright
It’s kind of perfect that this actually wasn’t the First.
Thank you!
Brooklyn Red Leg
Holy crap on a cracker! Saw this update over on Facebook. Ah….Treading Ground, that brings me back.
Nick Wright
Stay tuned – I plan to darken your Facebook doorstep again in the coming weeks. 🙂
Saw this pop up on my fb feed, thinking “Oh this sounds good”. Then when I got here, I remembered that it was awesome. I missed this story line. Went back to the beginning and read through it all again. Looks great. I do miss this story.
Nick Wright
Thanks! I’m not ready to announce anything else yet, but I suspect you’ll hear more from me in the next few weeks.
I saw this on my FB feed plus a notification of a like from it and my first thought was – “Does this mean more Purvus?” Meh even if it doesn’t; the comic is due a reread. Welcome back!
Nick Wright
Purvous is everlasting. Thank you!
Nick's Mom
Putting these up on the refrigerator now, Nick. You’re a good boy. 🙂
Nick Wright
glad you like my drawrings
Oh boy…forgot this existed after my old laptop died and lost all my bookmarks.
Memories rushing back to me on days when next updates were on long hiatus but always kept coming back for new updates. Like the wait for updates during the Beach BBQ arc.
Sad about Idle State back then and rediscovering it again brings back the same feelings again.
Facebook update made me remember I’ve ever read this, and rereading it again after these years, made me appreciate it all over again, though sucks I forgot what the old format and dialogue looked like.
Dang…6 years….
Gregory Hunt
In re-reading a few of these comics right now, I noticed that you aged up Rose by one year — her birthday party was originally her 17th rather than her 18th. What went into this decision? Was there some uncomfortable regret in creating a character that was so sexual at such a young age?
Nick Wright
It was part of making the story “less convoluted and problematic overall.” From a writing perspective it made a stronger story with fewer distractions.
On a personal note, when I started the comic I was close to Rose’s age and thought that was a perspective that needed to be shared, but as I’m now a grown-ass man it’s no longer mine to share. Aging her up a year doesn’t fully fix that, but I felt it was a good compromise.
I too came back to this comic website after many years.
I remember at the time idlestate had several pages, going into rose & co’s college years or something like that?
What happened to idlestate? I can’t seem to find it anywhere.
Nick Wright
I’ve taken those comics offline for now and they are being re-tooled. Once they are available again I will be sure to let everyone know!
Just found this site. Been reading some of the comics. Great stuff! Any chance that you will start up the Treading Ground comic again? Thanks
Nick Wright
Hey Mike – There is a strong possibility of that!
Awesome! Hope you restart the comic!
Any chance we can get a Jello wrestling rematch between Tracy and Miranda?
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