Accommodations (NSFW)

Many of you were first introduced to TG by a banner ad featuring Tracy in a very similar pose. Never let it be said that I don't believe in truth in advertising!

113 thoughts on “Accommodations (NSFW)

  1. oooooook then…….

  2. I beat the strip here!

    …and damn, I think we have to start hatin’ on Nathan or else there’s a sexist double-standard amongst TG fanboys. But, hey, I’ve always been a card-carrying Tracy supporter, so no hate for her. ^_^

    1. ALSO: “Kill the messenger”…best TG line EVER.

      1. When was that said?

        1. It’s on the condom package in the bottom of the first panel.

        2. lol I see it now, thats gold!

      2. That box would make an awesome t-shirt or at least a good ad campaign.

    2. I don’t think there’d be a double standard if we hate on Rose for having copious amounts of sex all the time and Nate getting his rocks off with one girl after sticking by Rose and the inherent “vow of celibacy” he enforced on himself.

      1. “Copious amounts of sex”? Rose was just as abstinent as Nate was when they were in a relationship, and the comic has shown that Rose has only had sex with Trevor ONCE. So, is there a double standard here? All signs point to YES!

        1. You seem to be missing some signs here:

          It was Nate, not Rose, that wanted a 2nd chance to do things right and pursued it. It was Rose, not Nate, that jumped into Mc Douchebag’s lap and tongued him for the world to see as soon as she saw Nate. While Mc Douche and Tracy are both hated individuals by the fandom, Nate and Tracy have just revealed that they had a past together, while Mc Douche is someone Rose JUST MET.

          While I’m not trying to hate on Rose, not calling her a whore, I will call her a slut. Three people before Nate and she revealed that she had come to Nate with the intention of doing him. In other words, she was willing to have sex with someone she knew nothing about. And she has again demonstrated this with teh Douche. Rose isn’t doing it for money or compensation, so she’s not a whore. But she IS a slut.

          Nate, after trying to patch things up with Rose and she f’ed it up, is perfectly within his rights to hook up with an old flame, regardless of his feelings for her. The only thing that’s a bit wrong here is he had a date with another woman when doing this.

        2. Right. I don’t think “Old flame” really counts in this context. That generally implies he has a soft spot for her. Which he explicitly points out that he doesn’t in the last panel.
          So I would suggest both Nate and Rose hooked up with people they have no intention of starting anything serious with.

        3. but you forget that the kiss with Mcdousche was a misunderstanding on the part of Rose, mostly because Aya didn’t fully explain why she asked Nate to meet her. Second, if i remember correctly, Rose was already on the roof when Nate first met her, and on top of that, they had talked for hours before finally coming downstairs, people have had sex with much less than that. Third, the only reason they stopped then was because Nate’s roommate had mentioned Rose’s age as they were getting naked.
          So in reality, they’re both equally sexually willing.

      2. It should also be noted that according to the TVtropes page (, Rose has actually only had sex with three guys (albeit two of them at once), and she has also been totally abstinent from the moment she got together with Nate. That is hardly “copious amounts of sex all the time.”

        1. I guess Trevor makes it 4. No edit button here, pardon about the double post :<

        2. Its still nasty that shes like fuckin 16 or something and fucking around like that. Shes a whoooore if shes willing to have sex with anyone that easily.

        3. Thank you for proving the OP’s point.

        4. I think it’s been pretty strongly suggested that those “three guys” she mentioned were just all the fuckbuddies she really needed, just because they had the good sense never to settle down (or at least not until shortly before the strip started), the four of them just having copious amounts of sex, all the time.

  3. I wish that hadn’t happened. Welp, here’s to where this ride takes us next.

  4. So they used to date? Interesting.

    Also, boobies!

    1. I believe she must rouge her nipples.

      1. PROTIP: Not all women have pretty little pink nipples. They vary in shade!

        1. Good sir, I’ve seen plenty of nipples in my time and those look rouged to me.

        2. I knew one woman with nipples that color, thought they may have been rouged or something myself, but unlike her, I could not get the color off, no matter how much I licked.

      2. They come in shades of pink/red, brown, orange, tan, black, each with varying sizes AND visibility! 8D

    2. Or they just used to fuck.

      Keep in mind that Nate’s the one who enlightened the readers of her being a “harlot.”

      1. Probably cheated on him or something.

  5. I also beat the banner ad here!

  6. Directed by N. Wright Shyamalan.

    1. What a twist!

      1. I’ve never understood the appeal of a hatefuck beyond the academic understanding.

        1. Its strictly for those with emotionally sado-masochistic tendencies…

  7. I mind Nate bangin’ Tracy less than Rose bangin’ Trevor because I don’t hate Tracy like I hate Trevor (because he’s a douche).

    1. By the way, what’s the “HBA Room”?

      1. It would be a storage room for all personal stuff. Condoms, douches, first aid, meds, shampoo, etc…

        btw.. I find it eerie that the main character’s name is Nate, works in retail and wears blue/khaki ’cause my name is Nate and I work at Kmart. We wear blue/khaki. The only difference in looks is I wear glasses. o_O

        1. Do you abstain from sex with a 17 year old girl for 8 months, only to bang the CSM a week after it breaks off too?

        2. Fortunately (in most cases) the resemblance of toon Nate and me end at physical appearance. =P

      2. HBA is an abbreviation for Health & Beauty Aids. I know this because I used to be with an inventory company, and we did hundreds of stores that had that section.

        1. Heh… what’s it like to DO a whole store?

        2. lol. Nice Comeback.

          Now wipe the rest off your face.

          (something my friend says a lot, thought it fit here)

  8. O_O *facepalm*
    Well, we can’t exactly say it isn’t not right, considering he already made plans with deli girl… but agreed with previous comments. Nate used to go out with her, and its been three years. Rose grabbing hold of her old ways (a.k.a. the first swingin’ dick she sees) right after they break up, speaks volumes. But that means there’s a double standard?! Argh, lets just see where this goes, next strip please… and good job on the fan service!

    1. Double standard? Unless Tracy is Steve or Derek’s horrid ex, sister, or something of that nature, where is it?

      I don’t speak for anyone but myself, but I wasn’t pissed with Rose for what she did, but rather who she did, and who it affected.

      1. Doesn’t that fact that Nate had just made a date with Melinda (or Miranda, or whatever), which he would have been on in that very moment had it not been for the scheduling confilct, not count for anything. What he did is equally douchey. And the fact that he admittedly can’t stand Tracy…

        I cry Double Standard for sure.

  9. New guy to the comic! When I first read this I laughed so hard! (In a good way people!) I took a day off and read through the entire series up to this point, and I have to say…..I’m jealous…This comic is really good, right up there with QC 😀

    Keep writin’ and keep drawing! I’ll make sure to read every new comic that comes out 😀

  10. seems she wants more

  11. Dagnabit! Nate’s ruining his chances with Miranda. Tracy’s too much of a b*tch to not want to wave it in her face, and since scheduling delayed Nate and Miranda’s date, this much drama this early in their relationship is a killer. Way to go, Nate. From one sh*tpile of a relationship to another…

    1. It’s just fiction, Bill. 😀

      1. Good fiction is also engaging.

        … it works! 😛

  12. Not surprised by this at all. Well, them having sex. Them having been a couple and/or fuck buddies previously is news. Interesting news at that.

    I really don’t know where this is going, but damn if it isn’t engrossing.

  13. I actually kind of expected Nate to resist, but hey, Tracy’s kind of hot.

  14. heh you guys forget nates a whore? he was gonna fuck rose RIGHT AWAY until he found out her age he isn’t some romantic he is a horndog like her she is just not ripe in his mind this is all expected lol next is a 3 way with Tracy and Miranda

  15. Okay…uh…I hadn’t expected this turn of events…and I am completely out of things to say…so…yeah. I look forward to Monday’s page…because I really wanna know where this is gonna go, what with Miranda still in the picture and all…that’s my biggest concern. I’m jsut…flabbergasted, is all.


    Well played good sir… well played..

  17. i like it, the tracy banner ad is in fact the reason i came here, and i had been hoping for some tracy time for awhile now. thank you sir, now off to find more fap matter

  18. *facepalms* Dammit, Nate! Oh, well. I -did- say before that I thought both Rose -and- Nate needed to grow up some more before they were ready for a real relationship. Recent events only validate that little thesis…

    This situation is practically guaranteed to have bad repercussions.

  19. YES I was right! Hate sex 😀

  20. So not only is Nate treading ground. He’s repeating past mistakes in 3 year cycles. Well, it’ll be interesting to see what happens next. I don’t think Nate’s nearly enough of douchebag to call Miranda day after this. Right?

    Last longer? You would think that Nate’s so blueballed that… Never mind, he was 18 or something then.

  21. God I love how realistic this comic gets with portraying every day normal people.

    I say the double-standard here does not apply in my view(may apply to others). Both of them went without sex for months, so they were both probably about ready to fuck at the drop of a hat – I was just angry at WHO Rose fucked, that’s all.

    Nate on the other hand… I’m not as mad about, as it seems he actually has some kind of past with Tracy, which holds more significant value than Rose’s approach of: Hey, you got a cock?! ‘Mere!

    I was actually hoping for this kind of thing to happen, Nate has shown over the relationship with Rose he’s willing to NOT break his vow, while Rose tried more than once to ‘break him’ – and even did it on her birthday. I think Nate is fine on this one as he showed more backbone and kept to his values with Rose… However the Miranda thing… *facepalm* yeah I’m not backing him on that one…

    Just got to point it out here though, Tracy has got to be, harlot or not, the hottest character in TG. Just gotta point it out with this panel – her ass with the little CSM tag caught my attention which brought me here… Can’t say I’m disappointed to see it again 🙂

    Keep’em comin’ nick, if TG gets put on hard copy I’m ordering a full copy of the whole series first chance I get.

  22. Well, there has gotta be something good to come from that….. they have both gotten rid of of certain ummm… “frustrations” and the chances of either of them telling anyone that “that” actually happened between them are pretty low….

    1. “the chances of either of them telling anyone that “that” actually happened between them are pretty low”

      The problem here being that for both, their partner is a proven jackass. The odds of either of [b]them[/b] bragging or otherwise spilling the beans approaches unity.

  23. tip of the hat to you nick, i have just been sucked farther into this story line. And now that Nate is less blue balled will his personality change? and whats the past, why is she the harlot? nom nom nom plot WEEEEE ^__^

  24. *drools*

    Oh yea, harlot or not, Tracy is hawt!

    Hmmm…bet they didn’t kiss at all the whole time they were doing the horizontal hokey-pokey.

  25. Aww Nate…that makes me sad. ): What about the girl you had plans with~?

    1. Its very clear that these too had a previous relationship that kinda just dwindled and for whatever reason. (clearly it will be delved into later, no doubt)

      Knowing that, why feel bad for Miranda? Its not like Her and Nate were dating, or had been in a steady relationship. Frankly I see the only “Twist” by these two getting freaky-deaky; is that they had a previous relationship and yet its never been spoken of until now. =p

      Seems a little convenient frankly especially considering earlier in the ~End of Compliance~ sub-story on page 6, Tracy was excited at getting just a kiss from Nate. =p

      Now that said, It could just be she was happy that he was going to try and show feelings towards her again, its hard to say, but just seems awkward and outta place.

      1. I have had a hunch about Nate and Tracy for a while. The “Harlot” line was what started it for me, and I’ve just had that “feeling” every now and then since.

        The “End of Compliance” is a day dream of Nate’s, if I’m not mistaken, so yeah, of course she wants him in his own mind.

        (BTW: Even though I work with Nick on projects, per my own request, he doesn’t share the upcoming plot lines on the comic with me. I get to guess what’s coming just like everyone else.)

        1. Yeah the “harlot” line did register something with me, just not that they had a previous sexual relationship; tho in hindsight the comical bitching that Tracy was laying down on Nate feels ironically like an old married couple.

          Shes, “the old fling” , if you screw up on a previous relationship shes there for the rebound, have to wonder if shes willing and able to let Nate go this time.. =/

          Or is her siren call and pink nipply-bits just too powerful for Nate!?

      2. True that~ I really liked Miranda though, she was nice. 🙁 I just thought she might have made up for Rose and Tracy both being so scary. XD;
        Honestly though, this Nate and Tracy thing really surprised me. I’m just clueless that way, methinks. 😀

  26. Why should we not be surprised?!? Glad he found a condom, too.

  27. Anyone else notice how her glasses magically appear on her face? :I

    1. Check her hand in the second panel. Nothing magical about it. She obviously put them on in between panels.

  28. Bitch or not Tracy has a nice body. The only question now is, was this a one time thing or are Nate and her going to have a repeat performance?

  29. Sorry guys, I’ll have to go for Nate being (slightly) less slutty ;P

    They’ve done similar things at this point but have you seen Nate parade around in short short or strip in front off Aya to get Rose’s attention. How about kiss a random person to make her jealous? Also he at least tried to get her back, she just screwed it up.

    She’s a debauched harlot, he’s a moron. Maybe they’re perfect for each other.

    Btw just because I said that Nate didn’t do those things, doesn’t mean I want to see him do them *shudders*

  30. I’m with others as far as the double standard thing goes.

    Like I mentioned earlier, I was mostly pissed not just who but where Rose got some action. I’m just saying they could have used a damn bed room. Preferably not Aya’s ’cause that would have been so much worse.

    As far as Nate goes, it’s sorta the same thing. Even if he and Miranda aren’t exclusive ’cause they never started… isn’t this kinda in bad form? How can you claim interest in someone only to fuck someone else?

  31. O…K that was not expected.

  32. Ahh, the revenge-fuck… one of the best ways to get over a break-up(depending on the person, and their reputation). Relationships, in a nutshell, can be very complicated things, and sometimes you just have to boil it down to someone’s vows and attitude towards life and the other person’s(will they sync up, will they try to change that person, etc etc).

    I do not think there is a double standard here because Nate did not act like Rose; he resisted her, and she showed that she’s a slut who doesn’t care who she sleeps with(I can definitely speak from experience, unfortunately).

  33. Hey, I keep hearing people talk about this banner ad with Tracy in it.

    I’ve never seen it 🙁

    Can anyone tell me where I can find it?

    1. It’s currently running over at The Space Between.

      1. Do you mean the Project Wonderful banners? All I see are friggin’ Viz adds for the two big ones and other stuff for the little ones.

        I have javascript enabled…so it isn’t that…

        Would it help if I was in IE?

        1. Wow…that’s an awesome pic…

          Thanks for the link!

          And as for the banners, you’re probably not the only one who’s been outbid by Viz…they’ve been pretty aggressively using Project Wonderful recently.

        2. that just shows part of Rose’s boobs on that banner

        3. Huh, I think that might be the exact banner that led me here. I’m almost positive it was some Project Wonderful ad, since that’s where 99% of the webcomics I read come from.

  34. Knew they had somthing between them at one time the tit for tat they gave eachother was too comforable but it seems tracy misses nate

  35. Tracy almost looks concerned or worried, as if she just realized she had had a great time fucking him and watching him get dressed is sounding alarm bells for her.
    Just look at her face when she tells him he lasted a lot longer. She looks surprised, as if that was some unexpected gift she hadnt planned on, as if that will make him stay.

    I’m going to guess she is going to try to ruin his relationship and try to get him herself. New girl is probably going to be out of the picture very soon, and since Nate has sunk low, it’s possible Rose might see her either hitting on him or making a move on him, and natural instinct is to tell her to back off.

    Thats assuming they were supposed to be together.

    It’d be interesting to see Nate with Tracy, if the sex makes her a decent person, then I think its a very humanitarian thing for Nate to pound her nightly

    1. Nate…it is your civic duty…to bang that booty.

  36. I think it is important to point out two things here:

    1. Nate bears a striking (albeit quite pointed out) resemblance to Dante Hicks.

    2. He wasn’t even supposed to be here today!

    This is a very nice twist, however. One that I like quite a bit. As much as she’s held up on the pedestal of bitchdom on top of mount bitch, I thought she had potential to be a very deep, very fulfilling character… Plus she’s hot… Okay, maybe I’m just being a typical male in this regard, but I still like Tracy.

    1. As long as he doesn’t end up like Dante originally did in Clerks, he’ll be fine.

    2. I was thinking about Dante after this as well…. at least it wasn’t on the salad bar at Mooby Burger, like Clerks II (and he’s not painting her toenails, either!!)

      1. And Tracy wasn’t so far out of Nate’s league that it stretches the limits of believability. 🙂

  37. From a lesbian stand-point, Tracy’s pretty hot with after-sex hair… Now only if skin-deep beauty didn’t apply here and she wasn’t fictional….

    1. Don’t be shy about sharing her with any lesbian friends you may have. It’s usually a sausagefest around here!

      1. Hey now, I’m not a sausage wielder. And I follow this strip too, thank you very much. Also, not a lesbian… but I am bi.

  38. OK, the trippy thing about the banner ad you just echoed for me is that in Second Life, I know someone whose avi looks almost exactly like Tracy’s. Her glasses are a bit narrower, but that’s the single biggest difference. Their figures are even similar. I saw the banner art and did a triple-take because of that. That’s what got me to read your comic.

    Also, we need to retire “slut” from the language or redefine it, damn it. It’s NOT wrong for a woman to have a lot of consensual sex, and the sooner we get over that the better off we’ll all be.

    1. the problem seems to be that we can’t seem to find the line between a healthy amount of sex and too many partners

      1. “Too many” is a relative term. That’s what needs to be admitted to here. If it’s done consensually and safely, “too many” is defined by the people who are having sex, not a third-party witness. If it’s not safely done, one is too many.

    2. I agree, plenty of consensual sex is fine, as long as you’re using protection and not hurting anyone. I think Rose may be pushing the “not hurting anyone” line though, she seems to be out to hurt whoever she’s close to, consciously or not.

  39. yay nipply bit wooooo 🙂

  40. WOW Nate and Tracy do the horizontal monster mash, did not see that coming, Rose screwing Aya’s adaptive bro, i did not see that coming either. What surprised me the most is the pure rage Rose’s actions caused. I too believe she was wrong for screwing someone so close to her best friend, there is a code in line when it comes to screwing family members of friends and Rose didn’t follow protocol. On the other hand we have what Nate did, screwed an old flame when he was trying to start something with the new girl.I see no problem with what Nate did, and I commend Rose on being a slut/whore whatever u want to call it, If it was a man doing what she was he would be considered a player, a pimp. I am upset with Rose for screwing her friends bro. Also form here on out i say we completely drop the term “slut” from our vocab and redefine the terms player/pimp to include women cause lets face it fellas, we are sluts too!

  41. So she was a woman….
    Thats my Sexual Deviancy shattered…..
    Woe is me…. T.T

    FUTA FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  42. He put the hate fuck on her pure and simple

  43. People seem to be under the impression that only guys can be young and dumb and thus not worth whining about. I don’t really understand all the hate that people have for Rose. She’s still a kid, she’s got a crappy home life that hasn’t exactly instilled self-respect and still she managed to hold down a semi-decent half-relationship for a longer period of time than most girls her age do in real life. She’s still figuring out how to function as a human being so slamming her as a slut is more than over-kill.

    Nate, on the other hand, is (more or less) a responsible adult and capable of making relatively thought out choices. This doesn’t make what he’s just done with Tracy better or worse. It is what it is. Angry sex, which almost every sexually active adult has had at one point or another.

    My only hopes are that Rose matures a bit and becomes something of a functioning adult and that Nate figures out who he actually wants, which will take care of a lot of things.

  44. No offense to Rose or that Indian-girl, but I’d WRECK Tracy’s hot ass any day of the week. And morbidly so.

  45. Really, spermicidal condoms? Those give urinary tract infections so badly, they should know better.

  46. And to think you once questioned your butt-drawing skills! ‘Tis a fine fundement.

    1. Thank you, sir. You’re still the master.

  47. I’ve got to say Nick, I stumbled on this will being stuck at home sick and I’ve got to say it’s absolutely amazing. The art progression has been wonderful, the characters are brilliant and realistic, the writing is superb, the character development has been wonderful, everything is amazing. I’ve read and reread the entire comic twice today. Keep up the good work.

    Now it may just be me, but I’m actually rooting for Nate and Tracy to end up together. We’ve seen Tracy at vulnerable points, both hear and in the flashback. She’s a genuinely good person deep down. She very clearly cares for Nate and wants to know where they go from there. I don’t think it’s that out there for the two of them to sit down and discuss what happened, apologize to each other, and start anew. Judging by their past feelings for one another, I think it would be a wonderful development if they work out their problems like adults and got back to a healthy relationship. And as Order of the Stick puts it, since she’s getting Treasure Type O regularly, I can easily see most of that angry, bitchy attitude melt away.

    1. Many thanks, and I’m glad I can give you a good place to spend your time. 🙂

  48. The drama is solid. The drama is fine.
    But too muc grama “muss nicht sein”.

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