Hi, I love your comic. I recently discovered your awesome creation and I read the whole lot in 2 weeks with the hopes of finally seeing our beloved hero porking sweet legal (or not legal) rose. Keep up with this incredible work. Best of lucks.
God dammit…this breakup plotline just keeps getting more and more fucking annoying…I might need to stop reading this comic for a while so I can come back after all this SHIT is done…
Also, you’re aware that your life until Thursday night (at least…) is going to be filled with bitching about this strip, yes? I assume that explains your blurb?
As poorly put as Anony has it, I get where it’s coming from – I saw this comic and my reaction was a heavy sigh and “Really? -Really?- That’s where this went? Ugh.”
It wasn’t unexpected and it just made sure that Rose, as a character, lacked any interest for me going forward.
Will keep reading for the characters that -do- interest, but when they feature Rose I’m just going to skip it.
I agree here, this comic(not this strip anyway) was pretty awesome but now I just think Rose is a total slut, it’s a flat out fact… And I’m pretty sure this goes for a lot of other people too who now think this. This actually ruined most of my day since I come home from work around midnight looking forward to this and seeing something between Nate and Tracy, be it NSFW or not. Instead… I see this… fuck my life…
Seriously though.. as much as I want to like this kind of twist, the whole idea that Rose keeps spiraling farther and farther down the path of a slut is kind of getting on my nerves… but then again this is actually how some girls turn out, which makes it realistic in other senses. I kind of hope Nate starts something serious with Tracy or Miranda and completely fucks up Rose’s head here, that would be a hell of a comeback on the side of the author here.
Well, I already had given up on her and was questioning my continued readership of this comic (especially with Nate and Tracy), but this is just one more nail.
Where’s the character’s dimension? She was introduced as a slut, suggested something NON SLUTTY to keep the relationship, then acted slutty to get out what she said many times, then when that blew in her face, she acted more and more slutty each time. That’s not character growth? That’s character assassination.
How about Nate? Is he really turned on by Tracy just because she’s removing clothes? Really? You do realize that there are other things in life than sex?
Agreed on all points.
To Justme
Here’s the thing though: Why would most of us invest to see a story that is neither more bleak nor greater than the outside world?
An autobiography is interesting when it comes from a remarkable person.
A work of art, comic, painting, movie, whatever, is interesting because it exposes *SOME* part of the human psyche, or paints the world through the eyes of the artist.
Great stories mostly follow the cycle of Joseph Campbell.
And you know what? I read close to a hundred webcomic. I consume them, as I do a lot of other media and my job is also within the media. Some are incredibly funny, some keep us on the edges of our seats, some are dramatics, some, however, have a very real day to day style, yet are in such imaginary world as to make you dream.
Do you think I started reading this comic because I didn’t feel invested in either the plot, the world or the characters? OF COURSE NOT! It’s BECAUSE I was invested in them that it is so disheartening to see it spiral out of control like this.
Could I do better? Meh, I doubt it, but then again, that’s not the point. I design games and I sure hope people are touched by them, whether through the art, story or, more importantly, the gameplay.
But, fine, sure, I’m paid for it and he isn’t, right? Wrong. We are most definitively not paid in the same way, but very few people are capable of sustaining arts for the sake of art against both unpopularity and lack of money. Webcomic artists live off the fan and in my eye, this is one of the BEST model out there. And because I LIKED this comic, I took and take time to give my opinion.
Sure, a small outburst will bring traffic, but it will also kill the comic on the long run (just ask Ctrl-Alt-Delete what happened following the failed pregnancy plot line, one story which I loved, by the way).
So there you have it. SURE you CAN justify any and ALL behaviors of anything, ESPECIALLY in an imaginary world. Is it material for a good story though? A great one? Will it kills your livelihood? Those are questions I think Nick should ask himself and that’s coming from someone who designs for a living as well as LIKED the comic and thus sees a lot MORE potential both in it and the author.
I’d touch other subjects, but I think the wall of text is long enough. Hopefully at least someone will be moved by it, one way or another.
I can see the result of the plotline in a few hours, not a few weeks (at the earliest).
And, for the (nerd) record, Han is PUT in carbonite in a different movie than Ackbar saying “IT’S A TRAP!” And I wouldn’t watch a Mel Gibson movie if I was paid to do it.
Me too. I’m actually removing this comic from my active reading list. I’ll come back to it one day…hopefully. Nothing against you Mr. Wright, I loved the story up until now, but this has hit to close to home (not me but a very close friend) for me to find this entertaining anymore.
Also, depending on the severity of the situation in the movie I might walk out on it as well, but to date I have not, but this is A) a very specific situation with personal reasons included, and B) I have not paid to read this webcomic as I would pay to see a movie.
I know that comment wasn’t directed towards me but since I am seconding Anony’s statement, I feel I should respond to it as well. I wish you luck in your comic and all future endeavors.
Really? You’re going to stop reading a comic because your friend got their feelings hurt? You’re so fragile that a character in a comic (or, apparently, a movie) can upset you (by proxy of your friend) enough to make you want to stop reading (or watching) it?
That’s just silly. Over-the-top, mind numbingly, silly.
He means it reminds him of something that happened to a friend, not that his friends feelings were hurt by the comic.
Wow, if that doesn’t make you sund like an ass, I don’t know what will
Done. Fuck this comic. Tired of hoping for the best and getting the opposite. It’s like some dorks way of venting how he never got the girl so he has to be the maltreated victim. Fuck this.
First thought verbatim: ” Wow… She really is a bitch” I know Nate is trying to date, but he hasn’t fucked the very first person he’s seen. And the kid has proven he is stupid, contrary, and an all around waste of space/breath/ skin. I sort of hope Aya punches her brother, kicks Rose out of the house, and just gives up on her. She is kind of a worthless person after all.
Lost all interest in the development of Rose from here on. Intend to read for the other characters and just skim when it’s got this shallow bint in it.
I’m gonna have to second Tyler’s comments on this one. Only fair weather friends give up like that. Hate is not what I feel when I see or think about this. Pity and sadness. To the point of an actual physical jolt of pain.
She needs real honest to goodness love more than anything in the world right now. You just relegating her to “worthless” status shows that you’re no better than the role models she’s been “blessed” with all her life. She needs Aya’s help, not scorn and abandonment. And I pray to the powers that be that Aya’s the person I think she is and not the person you apparently are.
so i take it this one of those scenarios in which the main character ends up “saving” a damsel with some sort of addiction and thus ridding her of it? although in this case nate want to keep that addiction around ; P
another part of me wants to say this:
so apparently, Trevor was pretty good at touching her boob. and hey maybe he won’t be such a dousche after losing his virginity. XD
Wow Nick, you have written art.
I see the reactions people give. A lot of disgust and anger. This is what real art does to people!
As for the Rose discussion… I think maybe she doesn’t see this as “wrong”…. so it’s got nothing to do with self control. Indeed, she is scratching an itch that has been there for a long time, and she is just done with waiting for something to happen with Nate. The only thing she lacks is communication skills.
read the panel. k.
read the panel. k.
read the panel, quickly looked at the last panel, face palmed, noticed starry night rofl’d at it.. not sure why
suffice to say the Van Gogh was the high point of this updated comic for me 🙁
wow. while im not done reading this comic, i am done hoping rose will finish this hypocritical stupidity that plagues any “girl” that feels “sexually empowered”… that term in and of itself is BS. in one perspective, it is good that she is finally with someone that is close to her age group. in another, yeah; self control, cold shower, chocolate, trying out for the rank of master debater… as for nate and his situation, bad timing. angry sex with supervisor could be fun, but sweet deli girl could be long term… decisions, decisions…
When was that ever considered unproven? The absolute worst thing to do when attempting to get any girl is to genuinely care. It sounds bitter, but I have yet to have a woman in my life prove me wrong.
But even that, for some, including me, is hard to do, cause some guys are raised to be kind and to care, some develop the ability, some are born that way, despite how they were raised
276 thoughts on “The Christening (NSFW)”
David Herbert
And her mind’s broken.
Does this mean Nate is fucking Tracey?
Wow. That girl needs an intervention.
OH COME ON! SERIOUSLY?! Jesus, what’s next, Tracy ends up preggers with Nate’s kid?
… No. No, I refuse to even think about that possibility. The very thought of it… *shudder*
I don’t know…that might have some interesting plot possibilities (especially if she were faking it).
Don’t even! You probably just jinxed it!
Too late! Now that someone else has said it could happen, the chances of it happening have just risen! Congrats Nate, you’re doomed!
I hope you don’t mean me
thats not fatballs is it?
Omg! This is so hot! lol Is that her friend’s step brother or whatever she is with? lol
I think it is. Welp, I don’t really see this ending well.
Lord Marcelus
Hi, I love your comic. I recently discovered your awesome creation and I read the whole lot in 2 weeks with the hopes of finally seeing our beloved hero porking sweet legal (or not legal) rose. Keep up with this incredible work. Best of lucks.
Oh, I am sad now.
Agreed, didn’t see this coming
Unfortunately for Aya, she is about to…
God dammit…this breakup plotline just keeps getting more and more fucking annoying…I might need to stop reading this comic for a while so I can come back after all this SHIT is done…
Also, you’re aware that your life until Thursday night (at least…) is going to be filled with bitching about this strip, yes? I assume that explains your blurb?
Nick Wright
I’m guessing you walk out on a lot of movies.
“Mel Gibson’s daughter’s been kidnapped? I didn’t pay to see this! I’ll be back for the happy ending.”
“Oh my fucking God, they put Han Solo in Carbonite? And what’s up with Admiral Ackbar? This is supposed to be Star WARS not Star TRAPS!”
All I know is, from this point on, she is not allowed to say SHIT about how promiscuous her sister and mom is.
As poorly put as Anony has it, I get where it’s coming from – I saw this comic and my reaction was a heavy sigh and “Really? -Really?- That’s where this went? Ugh.”
It wasn’t unexpected and it just made sure that Rose, as a character, lacked any interest for me going forward.
Will keep reading for the characters that -do- interest, but when they feature Rose I’m just going to skip it.
I agree here, this comic(not this strip anyway) was pretty awesome but now I just think Rose is a total slut, it’s a flat out fact… And I’m pretty sure this goes for a lot of other people too who now think this. This actually ruined most of my day since I come home from work around midnight looking forward to this and seeing something between Nate and Tracy, be it NSFW or not. Instead… I see this… fuck my life…
Seriously though.. as much as I want to like this kind of twist, the whole idea that Rose keeps spiraling farther and farther down the path of a slut is kind of getting on my nerves… but then again this is actually how some girls turn out, which makes it realistic in other senses. I kind of hope Nate starts something serious with Tracy or Miranda and completely fucks up Rose’s head here, that would be a hell of a comeback on the side of the author here.
Well, I already had given up on her and was questioning my continued readership of this comic (especially with Nate and Tracy), but this is just one more nail.
Where’s the character’s dimension? She was introduced as a slut, suggested something NON SLUTTY to keep the relationship, then acted slutty to get out what she said many times, then when that blew in her face, she acted more and more slutty each time. That’s not character growth? That’s character assassination.
How about Nate? Is he really turned on by Tracy just because she’s removing clothes? Really? You do realize that there are other things in life than sex?
Agreed on all points.
To Justme
Here’s the thing though: Why would most of us invest to see a story that is neither more bleak nor greater than the outside world?
An autobiography is interesting when it comes from a remarkable person.
A work of art, comic, painting, movie, whatever, is interesting because it exposes *SOME* part of the human psyche, or paints the world through the eyes of the artist.
Great stories mostly follow the cycle of Joseph Campbell.
And you know what? I read close to a hundred webcomic. I consume them, as I do a lot of other media and my job is also within the media. Some are incredibly funny, some keep us on the edges of our seats, some are dramatics, some, however, have a very real day to day style, yet are in such imaginary world as to make you dream.
Do you think I started reading this comic because I didn’t feel invested in either the plot, the world or the characters? OF COURSE NOT! It’s BECAUSE I was invested in them that it is so disheartening to see it spiral out of control like this.
Could I do better? Meh, I doubt it, but then again, that’s not the point. I design games and I sure hope people are touched by them, whether through the art, story or, more importantly, the gameplay.
But, fine, sure, I’m paid for it and he isn’t, right? Wrong. We are most definitively not paid in the same way, but very few people are capable of sustaining arts for the sake of art against both unpopularity and lack of money. Webcomic artists live off the fan and in my eye, this is one of the BEST model out there. And because I LIKED this comic, I took and take time to give my opinion.
Sure, a small outburst will bring traffic, but it will also kill the comic on the long run (just ask Ctrl-Alt-Delete what happened following the failed pregnancy plot line, one story which I loved, by the way).
So there you have it. SURE you CAN justify any and ALL behaviors of anything, ESPECIALLY in an imaginary world. Is it material for a good story though? A great one? Will it kills your livelihood? Those are questions I think Nick should ask himself and that’s coming from someone who designs for a living as well as LIKED the comic and thus sees a lot MORE potential both in it and the author.
I’d touch other subjects, but I think the wall of text is long enough. Hopefully at least someone will be moved by it, one way or another.
I can see the result of the plotline in a few hours, not a few weeks (at the earliest).
And, for the (nerd) record, Han is PUT in carbonite in a different movie than Ackbar saying “IT’S A TRAP!” And I wouldn’t watch a Mel Gibson movie if I was paid to do it.
Me too. I’m actually removing this comic from my active reading list. I’ll come back to it one day…hopefully. Nothing against you Mr. Wright, I loved the story up until now, but this has hit to close to home (not me but a very close friend) for me to find this entertaining anymore.
Also, depending on the severity of the situation in the movie I might walk out on it as well, but to date I have not, but this is A) a very specific situation with personal reasons included, and B) I have not paid to read this webcomic as I would pay to see a movie.
I know that comment wasn’t directed towards me but since I am seconding Anony’s statement, I feel I should respond to it as well. I wish you luck in your comic and all future endeavors.
Really? You’re going to stop reading a comic because your friend got their feelings hurt? You’re so fragile that a character in a comic (or, apparently, a movie) can upset you (by proxy of your friend) enough to make you want to stop reading (or watching) it?
That’s just silly. Over-the-top, mind numbingly, silly.
He means it reminds him of something that happened to a friend, not that his friends feelings were hurt by the comic.
Wow, if that doesn’t make you sund like an ass, I don’t know what will
*sound, I could have sworn I typed an ‘o’
Geoff Appleby
Bahahaha!!! That’s so awesome. Seriously. You’ve finally answered the question that’s been sitting there without a response for ages…
“Why yes Trevor, you MAY touch my boob”. 🙂
Ok, it is official. She is just as huge a slut as her mom and sister.
Motion carried. So shall it be written, shall it be.
Trickery! when you said that it was a safe bet that next comic was gonna be NSFW, I did not expect Rose and the Deuche to be in throws…
Well played…
hahahaha, the Deuche! You, sir, get a fist bump. *bump*
Cartoon Eric
She rebounds fast.
Most sluts do…
1. What are they christening? Aya’s couch?
2. I want Aya’s shirt, but in a male’s size please.
Nick Wright
1. Precisely.
2. Hopefully in a week or so!
Done. Fuck this comic. Tired of hoping for the best and getting the opposite. It’s like some dorks way of venting how he never got the girl so he has to be the maltreated victim. Fuck this.
awwww poor jonathan, projecting your own life problems ont a webcomic? don’t worry, it will all be ok!
Hahahahahahaha!!!! I KNEW IT!!!! When you said the next comic would be NSFW, I just knew it wouldn’t be Tracy! XD Thumbs up man!
First thought verbatim: ” Wow… She really is a bitch” I know Nate is trying to date, but he hasn’t fucked the very first person he’s seen. And the kid has proven he is stupid, contrary, and an all around waste of space/breath/ skin. I sort of hope Aya punches her brother, kicks Rose out of the house, and just gives up on her. She is kind of a worthless person after all.
HAHahaha!! That would be EPIC!
Ditto, photoman86.
Lost all interest in the development of Rose from here on. Intend to read for the other characters and just skim when it’s got this shallow bint in it.
A million dollars that He slept with Tracy.
I agree with everything up until the giving up on her part
I’m gonna have to second Tyler’s comments on this one. Only fair weather friends give up like that. Hate is not what I feel when I see or think about this. Pity and sadness. To the point of an actual physical jolt of pain.
She needs real honest to goodness love more than anything in the world right now. You just relegating her to “worthless” status shows that you’re no better than the role models she’s been “blessed” with all her life. She needs Aya’s help, not scorn and abandonment. And I pray to the powers that be that Aya’s the person I think she is and not the person you apparently are.
It looked like Nate’s friend for a second there. Probably is. Nick, can you confirm this?
Nick Wright
It’s Trevor (aka Dickweed).
Dickweed the Elder
I told you gentlemen young Trevor was Dickweed Material!
Also, nice painting in the background, she has good taste.
Rose’s judgement calls are far worse than any mere umpire or wrestling referee joke could possibly imply.
Not what I want to see happen, but I think some people are overreacting. It may not be smart, but it’s human.
Abd Al-Azrad
Dear Nick,
What the fuck?
P.S. – What the fuck?
I agree with those who are no longer interested in Rose’s development. This may change, but she’ll have to earn it.
Nick, you are a master of building up sympathy for a character, and then utterly wrecking it.
The comic title pretty much covers my comment on the comments.
Anyways, can’t judge her for scratching an itch, but she’s likely going to regret it later.
Sure you can, it’s called self control. She obviously has a complete and utter lack of it entirely.
so i take it this one of those scenarios in which the main character ends up “saving” a damsel with some sort of addiction and thus ridding her of it? although in this case nate want to keep that addiction around ; P
another part of me wants to say this:
so apparently, Trevor was pretty good at touching her boob. and hey maybe he won’t be such a dousche after losing his virginity. XD
I kinda doubt that, from what I’ve seen while I was in school, once a douche, always a douche, but hell, you never know
and the plot thickens
this is just like my brothers life
Wow Nick, you have written art.
I see the reactions people give. A lot of disgust and anger. This is what real art does to people!
As for the Rose discussion… I think maybe she doesn’t see this as “wrong”…. so it’s got nothing to do with self control. Indeed, she is scratching an itch that has been there for a long time, and she is just done with waiting for something to happen with Nate. The only thing she lacks is communication skills.
read the panel. k.
read the panel. k.
read the panel, quickly looked at the last panel, face palmed, noticed starry night rofl’d at it.. not sure why
suffice to say the Van Gogh was the high point of this updated comic for me 🙁
OutLaw Red
wow. while im not done reading this comic, i am done hoping rose will finish this hypocritical stupidity that plagues any “girl” that feels “sexually empowered”… that term in and of itself is BS. in one perspective, it is good that she is finally with someone that is close to her age group. in another, yeah; self control, cold shower, chocolate, trying out for the rank of master debater… as for nate and his situation, bad timing. angry sex with supervisor could be fun, but sweet deli girl could be long term… decisions, decisions…
Cartoon Eric
Not to mention that Rose has proven that girls prefer douchebags over guys that actually cared.
When was that ever considered unproven? The absolute worst thing to do when attempting to get any girl is to genuinely care. It sounds bitter, but I have yet to have a woman in my life prove me wrong.
But even that, for some, including me, is hard to do, cause some guys are raised to be kind and to care, some develop the ability, some are born that way, despite how they were raised