Riposte (NSFW)

It is, as they say, on.

180 thoughts on “Riposte (NSFW)

  1. First, I have wanted to do that for a long time now.

    1. I’m surprised Miranda’s bikini bottm didn’t get torn off

      1. give it a comic or 2…

      2. Amazing what strengths we give synthetic fibers these days. Hey Miranda, Tracy, TITS OR GTFO. lol.

    2. Naaa she got some rug as well

  2. Awesome!

  3. knew they pit money on it!

    1. On what? Tracy and Miranda being the first to go at each other, for Miranda being unshaven?

      On that note, I don’t mind the hair if it’s trimmed, it’s not my preference. Just saying.

      1. Meant “it’s not my preference”.

        1. “But it’s not.” Goddamn stupid fingers

      2. Pretty sure he meant they bet on whether or not the whole “stripper pole effect” (or whatever it was originally called) would work.

        1. He called it “Stripper pole principle”, but I believe you are correct ser! Wonder if they made a bit on who would be first two. I was betting on Beth myself!

        2. uranium bullet is right I just meant they bet on if it would work or not.


    It seems weird to say that – we call it “jelly” here…

    1. You can still call it Jelly wrestling here.

      1. “Who do you think will win?” asks The Negro Guy.

        1. I think Tracy would, all though i would love to see her get her ass handed to her. I want Miranda to win, but i think Tracy has the “crazy bitch” factor in her favor.

        2. Tracy is definitely alpha bitch. sorry, all you miranda fans, but i think she gonna lose…

        3. Tracy may have the “crazy bitch factor”, but from what we have seen, that seems to mostly involve insulting everyone she meets. It may turn out to be Miranda who wins because this is a test of physical prowess. They are not going to be standing in there calling each other names – they are going to try to hold the other one down and drown her in lime jelly!

        4. Hey! long time no comment! glad to have ya back TNG. As for your question, i would say Miranda. If Tracy wins, all hell will break lose in their little world…

        5. no, no, Arne, Nate, Trevor, and all the other guys present win, never the girls.

        6. Ya I’m gonna have to say tracy, she’s definitely got a little crazy going for her.

        7. No…we win. Those of us who get to stay dry and clean while the character get at it. And we won’t have to go to work and deal with the “I’ve seen you naked” effect. It’s perfect. >tears up< Thank you Nick.

        8. The Bitter Rizard

          You ask a strange question. I thought it was common knowledge that in the event of a jell-o fight EVERYONE wins.

        9. It’s my policy to bet on the chic sport some carpet as they are usualy are tough and know how to kick some ass

        10. its gonna be a hellofa fight but i think miranda will come out on top. tracy is scary, but i don’t see miranda takin that kind of shit, y’know. its also bout time she got knocked down a few pegs.

    2. “Jell-O” is the registered trademark name of the leading brand of gelatin dessert mix here in the States. As the leader, all the lesser brands are commonly also referred to as “Jell-O”, to the aannoyance of the real “Jell-O” lawyers.

      1. That’s not the only case. Kleenex, instead of facial tissue, comes readily to mind. I know there’s more, but it’s morning here and I haven’t woken up yet.

        1. Yeah, when I was learning landscaping, my vocational instructor used to get on our cases all the time if we called a line trimmer a “Weed Whacker” because it was a trade mark and the line trimmer’s that we used weren’t “Weed Whackers”.

        2. …and Pashakitty brings the conversation back to pubic hair.

        3. Also, Q-tip.
          and to be fair, Nick, you brought it there, not PashaKitty

        4. Don’t ruin my Weed Whacker joke. 😛

        5. I liked the Weed Whacker joke. Heh…

      2. And at work there’s the Towmotor(tm) which happens to be made by Yale(tm), Clark(tm), Hyster(tm) etc…

  5. Holy Crap! THIRD! lol Great so far!

  6. Obama’s president now. Why are we still dealing with Bush?

    1. I dunno. May be because bare pubes go together with 6-year-olds? And the unsavory dreams starring 6-year-olds?

      1. I agree, a nicely trimmed hedge if much better than that creepy prepubescent fad.

    2. I think it’s cool that Nick decided that Miranda’s woman-parts are unmown. ‘Cause outside of porn, that’s how most real women’s woman-parts are.

      1. I have only ever been with women who have been shaved. I have no real preference either way, but that’s just how its been for me. They were “real women”, too 😛

        1. I like to have a little diversity.

        2. Long as they are clean, I don’t care. Just say thank you and get down…to business.

        3. Did they send me daughters when I asked for sons? Oh well, more for my harem then…

      2. Not true.

        Aside from my mom, I don’t know anybody who doesn’t at least shave the sides into a landing strip, much less shave the whole damned thing.
        I would gladly endure laser hair removal down there, just so I didn’t have to worry about things getting crazy if I ever go into a coma.

        Because I worry about that.

        Yay for shaving that beaver!

  7. Now on to the comic, nice job nick, very nice job. Thatoneguy approves.

  8. To my great surprise, I think the title is the best part of this strip.

  9. Tracy’s got this, easy. I’m calling it an experience edge. ^_^

    1. Just watch it with the crotch-grabbing, O.K.? Unless it’s sexy, not painful. 😉

      1. There’s a snatch joke in there somewhere but damned if i can think of one…

    2. She’s got that crazy uncle of hers…maybe some brothers too? She might just surprise us, I hope.

  10. I just noticed Nick updated the image next to Trending Ground. I remember Arne was there for a while and now it’s been updated with a newer, cooler image. Nice work Nick, thank you for the cool comic and the cool image.

    Okay yeah, I really did enjoy the comic today. It was quite awesome.

    1. Okay, I don’t know why I don’t see the new image. Everyone is talking about and I am not seeing.

      1. Its cached in your browser. Just hold down Shift and hit the Refresh/Reload button and that will force it to download the newest version of all images (works anywhere)

        1. Thanks Mav! I can see it! I like how it looks like Nina has a problem with Aya’s shirt. But last time we saw that shirt, it may be her lack of pants Nina has issue with.

  11. Dat pube hair

  12. Talk about grabbing ’em by the dark and curly.

    1. Snatched by the snatch.

      1. Clutched by the cunt.

        1. Oh Gods the pun! The puns!

        2. Tugged by the twat.

        3. That Jewish Dude

          Captured by the Clit?


        4. That Jewish Dude

          Pulled by the Pubes.

        5. Lured by the Labia

        6. Brought in by the box

        7. Bested her beaver!

        8. Tugged by the taco

        9. That Jewish Dude

          Moved by the Muff?

        10. Purloined by her peachfuzz

      2. “Snatch and grab”, indeed.

  13. Oh Arne, thou art mighty indeed.

  14. Come on Nate! Do the smart thing and pull Miranda out!

    1. …I have to agree, if would help him save grace.

      …Miranda has a bush? Me like.

      1. They tussle a bit, clothes rip off, but Nate saves Miranda and gives her his shirt. Then Tracy asks why he didn’t help her and Nate says that at least Miranda has shame! In case anyone can’t tell, I favor Miranda over the other girls. Well, mainly just Tracy. But Tracy is secretly in love with Nate, but that’s for later. *Exits thought bubble*

        1. Nate shrugs and takes Rose’s hand: “Let’s go.”
          Rose: “But what about….”
          Nate: “Lesser of three crazies.”
          Rose: “True enough”
          They then go have sex on the beach.

        2. But she’s too young to drink. *Purposely missing the point.*

    2. Which of course would backfire and get him pulled in like I predicted on Wednesday?

  15. As long as the hedge is trimmed regularly I am fine with it, We americans have to much of a preoccupation with bald genitalia.

    1. Well said, sir. Or madam.

    2. I agree, as long as the panty spiders are kept in check and below the 30th parallel.

  16. I see fluffies!

    Excellent update. Jell-o wrestling is always fun…even if it kinda happened in a left handed sort of way here…

  17. Truly truly epic. You do not disappoint sir. Last panel is just win.

  18. Dude she grabbed her by her cunt hairs…

    1. Did she now? I didn’t know that…I’ll be in my bunk.

  19. Who is willing to put money on Monday not being safe for work either?

  20. The sound effect for panel 3 is obviously “-snatch-“.

  21. This is for Arne

  22. …. pretty sure Arne just won at interwebz

  23. I know everyone likes to hate on Tracy, but that was pretty bad ass!

    She didn’t freak out or nothin’. Just calmly took off her glasses and grabbed the chick by her pubs and it was ON!

    What can I say… I like bitchy girls!

    Tracy’s my lil’ laser guided fetish bomb 😀

    1. Laser… guided… fetish bomb…. damn I’m going to have to use that one some time.

  24. Probably been said already, but a theory has also been proven here. Not that this gives me more incentive to try it though. Can’t believe ALL you see on the internet; just 99% of it.

  25. Just got linked to your comic from another day before yesterday, and i gotta say.. love it!

    Just the right amount of sexuality to be both interesting and believable, good character variation and interactions, and its all in a setting (home, jobs, ect) that allot of us can relate to, in some degree or another.

    Oh, and bush on miranda dosnt hurt either. Too many women these days go bare/trimmed. A damn shame 🙁

  26. Once again, it’s always refreshing to see pubes in this day and age. Also, was Tracy trying to pants her? Or pull her in? It looks like the latter.

    1. I see you’ve misspelled “dismaying” there…

      1. No, refreshing. totally bald pubes are gross >.<
        unless you are into prepubescents. in which case, please chemically sterilize yourself.

      2. No, I spelled it right. I prefer my women to look like women, not little girls.

  27. NSFW because of a little pube hair? OK then…

    1. You’d be suprised how little can be considered NSFW these days. At least here in the good ol’ US of A

      Btw, you should think about getting this published, like some of the other webcomix out there. Id buy it 😀

    2. I want to work where Josh does.

      BOSS: What are you doing, Josh?

      JOSH: I’m proudly looking at pube hair, sir.

      BOSS: …

      BOSS: Carry on.

      1. Heh, as if. I work at a popular orange hardware store. We get no access to any pubes or anything.

        1. I hear that. In my “Food Baron” days I lusted after a job where I had access to the internets.

          Now that I have such a job, I understand that getting caught reading webcomics at work is bad enough without getting caught reading webcomics with naked cartoon chicks and/or pubic hair. Hence the Not Safe For Work warning.

  28. Been waiting a looong time for this. *sips some liquor*

    Good times, good times.

  29. The man who knows all

    Somebody ring the bell because we’re about to see the fight of the century.

    1. Ding ding


        1. That Jewish Dude

          “Don’t worry Miranda, I have total faith in you.” (Puts ten bucks on Tracy).


        2. That’s trademarked too, y’know. You owe Michael Buffer $5. 😉

  30. This is exactly why Arne is a god among men.

    1. Among other reasons.


  31. Hmmmmm… this just got interesting. I can’t wait for monday’s update(and I actually dated a girl with a bush… good god, she was great in bed. I actually like them with some bush instead of being bare as a bald man’s head).

    been wanting to see Miranda nude forever
    and to this i say…Close Enough

  33. SO. MUCH. WIN.

  34. As awesome as that is, I kinda figured Miranda on the top, mostly because I figured that (SOMEONE) was not a soulless biiddy 😀

  35. Is it just me, or does Arne look cooler with those Sunglasses on?

    1. Word!

      1. Definitely.


  36. Oh, so a little bit of bush is in play here lol

  37. And there we have it. The circle is complete.

    But what of the future?

    Wardrobe malfunctions and garment destruction should be a given. Arne will probably be collecting on more bets. Will anyone dare to intervene, for good or ill?

    Trevor: That’s it, bitches! Get it on!

    Miranda and Tracy: *grab*

    Trevor: blub!


    Cop: So, you’re saying this was self-inflicted? Sir, I think you’d better start right at the beginning and give me all the details.

    Nate: Well, Ms. Winters and Ms. Reyes were jello wrestling, and Trevor, there, was so into it that he tried to stick his head into-

    Cop: Enough detail! You all corroborating this?

    Miranda & Tracy & Bill & Rose & Aya & Jimi: Sure.

    Arne: Especially the part where he stuck his head into-

    Cop: I said, “enough detail”!! What do you think, Doctor?

    Dr. Homophobe McMilfhunter: I concur. ‘Though I believe we ought to do a reconstruction, just to be sure. If you would assume the positions that you were in when the fatality occurred, Ms. Reyes, Ms. Winters, and I shall take the place of young Mr. Cross. Now, don’t anybody worry – I am a professional.

    Tracy & Miranda: *giggle* Yes, Dr. McMilfhunter!

    Arne: (envy) Huh! I’ll say he is! And smarmy with it!

  38. I bet that Rose is probably all shaved, but I don’t know about Tracy. Probably too, to prove she is all fashionable.

    1. Huh…well she’s not old enough yet for us to find out if I recall unfortunately.

      Might be cute to find out if she’s a real redhead tho

        1. I see, I see…


          And…not really sure if anything more can be said on that

      1. No…it’s okay to look. They looked up the law ‘member?

    2. I’m betting that Tracy has the little “Landing Strip” patch of hair and that’s about it. She’s a control freak and wants to make sure Nate follows the path to the right destination.

      1. Nick, your art have improved.

      2. . Actually, if you look in a previous comic:
        You’ll find that Tracy has a neatly trimmed mons pubis, as compared to Miranda’s wild crotch jungle.

  39. Oooh, natural.
    I aprove.

  40. I was wondering why you labeled the comic NSFW, then i saw the rug (and it matches the drapes) and i said “ahhh thats why!”

  41. As Booger likes to say, “WE’VE GOT BUSH!!”

  42. She’s got ‘er by the cooter!

  43. Miranda had almost as much reason, but I can’t help but feel it’s should be Rose throwing down with Tracy in that jello pool.

    1. I say all three of them get in that Jello Pool and ‘rassle.

  44. Nice to see that at least one of these females is a fully grown woman.

    1. You don’t have to have peubic hair to be a full woman. Anyway I’m shoure I’v voiced my preference before but I prefer the clean shaven look.
      Any on to more importaint matters… JELLOW CAT FIGHT!!!

    2. Personally speaking I prefer clean and clear cut. Though I can’t do that myself, every time I have tried it I broke out in a rash. But I hate body hair and wish there was a pain free, inexpensive, permanent way to remove it. I would have all my body hair from the neck down removed.

      Hair traps nasty odors, occasionally grows inwards and causes nasty boils, get’s in the way of business, and get’s caught in your teeth and throat. I will say it again, I hate body hair especially on the pubs. Has absolutely nothing to do with maturity levels, only cleanliness and hygiene.

      1. You’re welcome to your opinion. But people of the preceding decades felt themselves to be equally hygienic. And your bodily hair from neck up also traps its share of odors and such. I dare say it is just a fashion. Plus several companies wanting to sell you their products telling you that it makes you sexier. Well, if you feel better about yourself bare, then they are right in a way!

        1. I never said anything about anyone else, just said how I feel about it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions on the matter. Personally I have hated my body hair since I first started getting it, and my mom never let me watch much in the way of T.V. when I was younger so again not much in the way of a fashion statement for me.

          Also I’m more than old enough that they didn’t advertise all of those personal hygiene items on TV back then so even if my mother had let me watch it I still wouldn’t have known about that sort of thing. So again, not a fashion statement, I don’t follow fashion, don’t wear makeup or trendy clothes. I wear what I like and do what I feel is right.

          I just don’t like body hair below the neck, never have, never will.

  45. I love the fact that Tracy took her glasses off before grabbing Miranda’s bikini bottoms to pull her in. Also from the way that Miranda yelled I think Tracy might have grabbed a bit more than just the bikini…

    But yeah, the glasses coming off definitely say “Oh… now it’s on!”.

  46. LOL! Just thought of something else… It must be war because it looks like Tracy might have had her finger on the button!

  47. Hey finally got the new banner! Looks sick!
    *looks at comic*
    they are going to be at it for a while…hopefully…
    hehe Miranda gots a wedgie, and Tracy finally knows what her personality feels like…slimy…

  48. Am I the only one who has noticed that rose hasn’t appeared for three panels? I wonder when she’ll be making an appearance.

  49. Miranda appears to be willingly getting into the pool. that is all.

    1. Well, I believe that has to do with the fact that, one way or another, her bikini bottoms were going to find their way into the pool. Whether or not she was still wearing them was the issue.

  50. Ok, where is that friggen ‘Like’ button?…

    1. Heh… I think Tracy found it. 😀

    2. I’ve added one. Still trying to figure out how to get it hooked up with the actual Treading Ground Facebook Page though.

  51. On, on big time, and now begins the bets of how much clothing gets torn off, and if any making out happens.

  52. Oh wow
    and arne does not look surprised at all

    1. nooneinparticular

      of course not, he planned the whole thing XD

  53. She didn’t deserve an apology.

    1. Maybe not, but it seems that Miranda is polite enough to even apologize to people she doesn’t like.

    2. No… no she certainly did not.

  54. Inflatable kiddie pool… $35
    Seventeen packs of imitation lime flavored Food Baron brand gelatin mix… $15 (give or take)
    Watching two smoking hot female FB employees in a no-holds-barred Jello fight…

    Fucking priceless!

    1. Word. 😀

      1. Agreed good sir. I would like to place a wager of $20 on the brunette playing dirty from the start.

    2. You forgot to mention the price of the ice. (No rhyme intended).


    3. Actually he gained a little money from the last one!

    4. Priceless plus $50 (based on the fact that he would have bet more than he spent on material)

  55. *drools* i love this comic and i love the fukkin webXD

  56. For all those questioning whether people like this could exist: I’ve worked at a supermarket. Spot on.

  57. Hey Nick how did you guys come up with the idea for treading ground. Its a great comic. Im not much of a comic book reader, but this comic just has everything. Or is it called something else i don’t want to offend anyone so correct me if im wrong. Keep up coming out with great comic strips (correct if needed). We all look forward to reading the next one.

    1. Thanks, Jacob! Only one “guy” to speak of, and that’s me. I do the art, writing, and even the half-assed web design. I’m not much of a comic book reader either, but I have much respect for the medium.

      You can read a little bit about how I came up with the comic at the About page, but suffice it to say I put in over 10 years working in grocery/retail and I figured they shouldn’t be a total waste.

      1. Your welcome. The web design is good. Heck I probably couldn’t ever create a comic or do the art, web design and web design. Im not that creative and I am not the best writer. Cudos. Alright Ill do that.

  58. Got her by the short hairs, so to speak.

  59. My bet on who wins: the male viewers

  60. what makes this comic post “not safe for work” I don’t see any nudity or anything here

  61. My question is whether the bet was:

    The pool gets used.


    Miranda is thatched. ( ie untrimmed )

  62. Now THAT’S funny!

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