Peer Review (NSFW)

In honor of yesterday's holiday, of course.

124 thoughts on “Peer Review (NSFW)

  1. First?

    1. BLAST!

      1. man! can you believe it? A guy got first never thought id live to see the day…

        1. Personally, I’ve thought a guy’s time for first has been a long time coming.

        2. The Negro Guy says now we just need a girl to get first.

        3. Has TNG ever gotten first? Or should we save that for the 44th first?

        4. He has, once or twice if memory serves. I’m fairly certain most of us have by now.

        5. Tiger “In Japan, man always come first. Woman come second.”
          Bond “I might just retire here.”

  2. Wow. Who coulda guessed?

  3. Figures Trevor would find the best smut. 😉

    1. Yes… Best.

    2. Trevor needs to get the Shit beat out of him for being such a fucking tool

  4. 1st

    Nice tits

    1. Nooooooooooo! Damn internet connection!

      1. thou hath FAILED we shall now all verily LAWLS at your exspence

        1. LAWLS!!!!!!!!!

        2. Epic Fail LAWLS

        3. boomplosion LAWLS

        4. LAWLS!!!
          (All the cool kids were doing it!)

        5. I will join in the LAWLS, but only because in your attempt to sound snooty, you mispelled “expense”.

        6. I fought the LAWLS and the LAWLS won.

      2. Even more humiliating… Female LAWLZ at your expense.

      3. noobie lawls

      4. Muppet LAWLS

      5. That Robot also LAWLS at you. And it can’t even laugh, what with the lack of emotions and what not.

  5. poor trevor. he shall be scarred

    1. FWATANG, I hardly think Trevor will be scarred. Sticky and needing a tissue, maybe, but not scarred.

  6. Miranda’s nice and all, but I have $5.00 on Tracy. She’s in it to win it!

    1. Also, Miranda’s more likely to protect her dignity, Tracy doesn’t care if her tits fall out.

      1. thank goodness

      2. Y’know what, you’re right. I’m upping my bet to $25.00. C’mon Tracy, don’t let me down!!!

        1. That Jewish Dude

          I got $50.00 on Tracy. I like Miranda much more than her, but Tracy will destroy her.

        2. My money is on the timid kid turning psycho. Miranda will destroy Tracy like Carie destroyed Chris (and everyone else) once she gets riled up.

        3. 50 cents Canadian on Miranda as that’s what i got in my pocket

  7. man…. I live in the wrong freaking reality. None of this crazy stuff happens in my life.

    1. you and me both, i would be sitting in the background with a bag of popcorn a minifridge full of ice cold sodas and a lawn chair watching the show.

      1. Really? This sort of stuff always happens when I’m not there, usually because I’m working for someone else at the store. *sigh* story of my life. 🙂

  8. Get her, Tracy! GET HER!!!

    1. Put the bitch down Miranda!!!

      1. GO BETH!

        1. Jonny The Eyepatch

          Cmooooooon Nick!!!


        2. Jonny The Eyepatch


          That should be Nate.

      2. Do you really think that Miranda will win? ‘Cause That Jewish Dude doesn’t.


  9. Meanwhile, at the barbeque the others finally clue in to what’s going on. Should be most interesting to see Bill’s reaction to the debacle.

  10. Wow, Trevor just can’t seem to finish that burger. Not that I can blame him. Also, is it me or does Miranda not seem nearly as into this as Tracy is?

    1. if you look back he took a huge bite of the first burger compared to this bite which states that this must be a differant burger or he pretended to bite it, but who can have a burger in theyre mouth and not bite down? its impossible!

      1. And this time with lettuce!

        1. hey no fair! You drew it you know where all the easter eggs are before the comic is even posted!

        2. I never knew lettuce was an easter egg?

        3. There’s a small group of extremely devoted lettuce fetishists fans. I do it for them.

      2. I know a few people who can hold a burger in there mouth and not bite down. Giggity!

        1. The Time Lord thinks that The Negro Guy needs to go back and check his use of first person.

        2. And you went back in time just to tell him that? It must be a pretty slow season, eh Doctor?

        3. The Oberon guy explains to the Negro guy that “there” may be spelled in several different ways. And that the Nego guy chose…poorly. Unless you meant to say “that there mouth”, in which case all is forgiven.

        4. @The Time Lord, Great Name I’m guessing you are a doctor who fan.

    2. For burger-face, a burger must be present. Duh.

  11. Simple. Sophomoric. Absolutely hilarious.

  12. Ack! The banner picture of the cast changed!

    Didn’t it?

    1. It did! I never made an official announcement. More fun to watch people find out for themselves.

      1. i noticed it first imz guessing 😮

        1. does the new banner reflect the importance of certain characters and other characters being dropped?

    $5.00 on Tracy…Unless Rose gets in there. Then she wins without a doubt.

  14. I think the the next week of comics will have to be reserved to my smartphone. With a lack of a working home PC, I’m pretty sure my school’s librarian wouldn’t be too pleased with me looking at this..

  15. Tits ahoy! And if you look long enough, Beth’s tits and bellybutton form a little face!
    And last, panel? Hilarious. Burgers and voyeurism…

    1. If you’re gonna look, no need to be hungry while you do it.

      1. unless theyre doing freaky stuff in which case you would barf all over them and ruin theyre time and the show for everyone

        1. The Truth, says The Negro Guy!

        2. greenplasticarmyguy

          unless they are into that kind of thing. there is some nasty, sick, freaky shit out there.

        3. Hah, I was gonna say the same thing!

      2. Because Beth surely isn’t, anymore.

    2. I agree, it’s one of those O.O faces – the kind of expression someone makes when they “cannot unsee”.

  16. woah, an alien must have passed through here or somthin. also time must be stopped because the clouds arent moving. and it looks as though you should see just the top of his belly button in 3rd panel

    1. also a guy in the crowd has a rolling pin and the other guy has an umbrella

      1. Since I don’t typically draw male belly buttons (or nipples), I’m not sure why you would expect me to start now. Also, clouds move kind of slowly.

        As for the stuff in the crowd, that’s some fine pareidolia you’ve got going there!

        1. Now there’s a motto:

          Clouds move slow. Beth moves fast.

  17. Me gusta nick…me gusta

  18. Shouldn’t it say “Why are you acting like this?” Instead of how?

    1. What does it matter? She’s off the clock.

    2. Your avatar is basically me these last 2-3 updates.

    3. No, it’s how, as in “how is it that a manager can act like this?” I’m pretty sure Miranda already knows the why.

      1. Yes, I do believe the only reason she is manager, is because she acted like this.
        I”m only left wondering why she stopped at manager :P.

        1. Because to get higher up, that would require sleeping with Bill, and I don’t think he’s up to it. She would be, but he’s too PC – if you recall, he was the one that objected to the jello pool.

        2. Hey! Where did my avatar go?

  19. I kinda hope that Miranda wins. That said, for some reason I think Tracy has a lot of experience here.

  20. Everybody loves a free show. That said I am now hosting a Jello wrestling match at my next party.

    1. You have to wonder….does this thing with a Pool filled with Jello, “The Jello effect” as it were, really work? Some study should be put into this!!

      1. Even the tallest of tales have some truth to them…

  21. 39TH!!!


    1. Did you actually count??!!

      1. The Negro Guy says some people will do anything for attention.

        1. Well you´ve got to give him credit, at least he knows how to count to higher that just 1 or 2. That´s more than most people like him .(I mean firsters nothing racist or whatever).

  22. The Negro Guy says in Soviet Russia, Jello wrestles you!

    1. I would say “damn, I want to see that”, but I actually have a very clear, highly amusing image of it in my head right now. Thanks, The Negro Guy! You made my day!

  23. This isn’t about Miranda or Tracy winning the jello fight, its about their swimsuits losing the battle to stay in one piece or, at least, stay covering the parts that they were intended to.

    It’s also notable where Trevor is choosing to spectate. He must have noticed what was happening at the jello pool, but he’s opted to watch a rerun of The (Didn’t) Graduate.

    – Mrs. Crowley, you’re trying to seduce me!!
    – Trying??

    We will have to see whether either of them realise that they have an audience, and whether Beth tries to get some audience participation going.

  24. Aha! The plot thickens!

  25. awesome Tittayz

    1. Well that’s one way of putting it yes.

  26. Now no one knows WHERE to look.

  27. He is one lucky bastard. 🙁

  28. Brown chicken, brown cow!

  29. And for those who don’t get the “Brown chicken, brown cow” reference click here:

    1. Oh Gods NO!! LOL…I know that joke and now…..HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

  30. Wait, yesterday’s holiday? Don’t you mean 8 days ago’s holiday?

    1. What, was May 1st Voyeuristic Douchebag Day?

      Oh, wait, now you’ve got Johnathan Coulton stuck in my head again. Well-played, sir.

    2. I’m confused by that tagline too. If he posted on the 9th, “yesterday” was May 8th. What holiday is on May 8th?

      I wasn’t aware of any, so I Googled ( )… apparently there’s a dozen of them, minor and obscure… although admittedly many companies and organizations announce “National ____ Day” just as a form of advertising. Not sure that should count.

      Mind you, I still am no closer to figuring out what Nick is referring to.

      1. Honestly, even I have no fucking idea at this point.

  31. The way Beth is wiping her mouth, and the smile, are we to assume she swallows?

    1. Is Trevor going to join in? ‘Cause a Steve-Beth-Trevor threeway would be awesome!

      1. You, sir, are one sick, sick bastard…

        1. Aren’t I? XD

  32. boobs.
    Oh right, the rest of the comic.
    some words…
    oooh, gelatin covered babes cat fighting! Yum!
    some more words…
    Burger Face.

    1. ok, now to see who is in the crowd. I see Nate, Arne, Jimmy, Aya, Rose, Bill, I’m guessing Nina is the one with the Hockey Stick arm, so where is Les? unless he dropped his hat?

      1. It’s a mass of people. I wouldn’t count on identifying anyone specific.

    2. That’s Trevor in the fifth panel.

      Pretty soon this guy is going to have a whole meme set.

      1. If he gets a meme set, shouldn’t Purvous get a meme too?

  33. Ìt suddenly occurs to me that Tracy was bragging a lot about being the most curvaceous female at the party, but if she had taken a closer look at Beth… Well, I wonder whether she would have wasted so much time trying to torment the women in Nate’s life if she’d realized she’s not even second best to Beth.

  34. Might be my age, but is Beth top of anybody else’s “To Do” list?

  35. What has this to do with VE Day? I’m assuming you’re not an immature teenage boy who refers to it as VD Day. But if you are, Oh Noes Beth has VD!

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