If we’re talking about the actual music I think I’d still go with Badmotorfinger-era Soundgarden. But nobody’s going to beat Nirvana in sales and popular appeal.
Ah, the 90’s somehow, despite being too young to understand grunge back then, I still remember it fondly.
Whenever people say they’re too young to have experienced the 90s the way I did I feel very confused – and then I remember I’m not a teenager anymore (which I still really can’t get my head around despite being in my mid-thirties).
My wife is 14 years younger than me, which means this confusion hits me almost every day.
“My wife is 14 years younger than me, which means this confusion hits me almost every day.”
I married a girl 7 years younger then me. If you ask her, it was to stop me from sleeping with 18 year olds. lol
Zeiss Ikon
I have the same problem, Geoff — though I’m older than you (51), I find myself regularly explaining to my girlfriend (36) that I learned or first did this or that before she was born, learned to walk, learned to read, etc. For instance, I occasionally have to remind her that I learned to drive about the same time she learned to walk…
Yeah, tell me about it. The amount of movies where I’m like “you haven’t seen this?” and she asks when it came out and I’m “oh…you weren’t born yet…”
I hear you guys. I’m turning 31 in a month and when I play online video games I’m the OLD guy! I swear I still feel like I’m in my early twenties. De-nile, it aint just a river in egypt
You should play EvE Online, my friend. I rarely come across someone under 30 (save for myself). It’s a grand old time there. However there are also a lot of Europeans, specifically UK and Sweden (and Iceland, of course). Also Russians but they stick inside their own group haha. Just pointing that out in case it’s not your cup o’ tea. (Off topic, I know, but I love that game because of the age/maturity level of the players).
I’m 18, and I play EVE. It’s a great game, I’ll second your argument supporting it. I enjoy the maturity level on it as well (I’m pretty mature for my age, most of my friends are around 20-21)
I was both Metallica and GNR at once. It didn’t feel like I was cheating…
Yee Gods! You boys make me feel so old! I just hit 42 last month… I remember seeing Alice in Chains when they opened for Poison… Talk about a genre switch there… no one even knew what grunge was and most folks really weren’t impressed with the odd opener.
I saw Jethro Tull in ’77 and Yes and ELP in ’78. Anyone want to top (bottom?) that?
Zeiss Ikon
For some reason, I can’t reply to Kessog — but I saw Styx in ’78 (they were touring on Grand Illusion, and I’d almost worn out the 8-track of that album by the time the came to Pullman, WA).. Closest I can come…
Hahah! We’ve reached maximum depth! Comment-Inception 🙂
Yeah, Galaxy News Radio’s pretty good.
Um, how ’bout Allman Brothers and Deep Purple in a stadium concert circa 1972? (I was 14-ish) The Who in 1976? I think I saw the same tour of ELP and the Who in 1978…
Dammit. Silver medal for me then. Also, looks like Miranda’s getting a bit more… enthusiastic. And with Nate no0t intervening, I’m betting this is somehow gonna end in some lesbian jello sex. Who’s with me?
Im thinking in line with you, But im not sure if she would do it while they are going at it, or after they are out.
Second (post on this website). Yeah, I saw Rose’s sly grin. Either she is really into the fight, pleased at Nate’s response (Own that bitch, Miranda, btw) or what fhornrocks said.
116 thoughts on “Lifeline”
First! Sound off your number as it comes and let’s see how many we get. Now to see who wins the grunge match…
Nick Wright
Grunge match?
My money’s on Nirvana.
Geoff Appleby
I dunno man, as time has gone by I listen to Nirvana less and less. But Ten? that’s a seriously awesome pearl jam album that still holds up.
Nick Wright
If we’re talking about the actual music I think I’d still go with Badmotorfinger-era Soundgarden. But nobody’s going to beat Nirvana in sales and popular appeal.
Ah, the 90’s somehow, despite being too young to understand grunge back then, I still remember it fondly.
Nick Wright
I was a kid when it started myself, but it had a big impact on the development of my musical taste!
Geoff Appleby
Whenever people say they’re too young to have experienced the 90s the way I did I feel very confused – and then I remember I’m not a teenager anymore (which I still really can’t get my head around despite being in my mid-thirties).
My wife is 14 years younger than me, which means this confusion hits me almost every day.
“My wife is 14 years younger than me, which means this confusion hits me almost every day.”
Are you complaining or just bragging?
Geoff Appleby
well…mostly bragging. Maybe a tiny smidge complainy, but its worth it 🙂
Mravac Kid
Thank you for giving me hope… I’m also approaching mid-30s, and seem to keep running into girls 14 years younger than me. 🙂
At our age they all seem to be 14 years younger than us. I was estatic this weekend when i met a nerdy girl only one year my junior.
I can’t say too much, my girlfriend is six years younger than me. Still cracks me up that she thinks Jurassic Park is an “old movie”. lmao
Geoff Appleby
Mine says the same about The Matrix. 🙁
It’s so old it has dinosaurs in it!
I married a girl 7 years younger then me. If you ask her, it was to stop me from sleeping with 18 year olds. lol
Zeiss Ikon
I have the same problem, Geoff — though I’m older than you (51), I find myself regularly explaining to my girlfriend (36) that I learned or first did this or that before she was born, learned to walk, learned to read, etc. For instance, I occasionally have to remind her that I learned to drive about the same time she learned to walk…
Geoff Appleby
Yeah, tell me about it. The amount of movies where I’m like “you haven’t seen this?” and she asks when it came out and I’m “oh…you weren’t born yet…”
I hear you guys. I’m turning 31 in a month and when I play online video games I’m the OLD guy! I swear I still feel like I’m in my early twenties. De-nile, it aint just a river in egypt
You should play EvE Online, my friend. I rarely come across someone under 30 (save for myself). It’s a grand old time there. However there are also a lot of Europeans, specifically UK and Sweden (and Iceland, of course). Also Russians but they stick inside their own group haha. Just pointing that out in case it’s not your cup o’ tea. (Off topic, I know, but I love that game because of the age/maturity level of the players).
I’m 18, and I play EVE. It’s a great game, I’ll second your argument supporting it. I enjoy the maturity level on it as well (I’m pretty mature for my age, most of my friends are around 20-21)
Geoff Appleby
Sometimes all it takes is one innocent sentence. I’ve got soundgarden stuck in my head now.
I have no problem with this.
Also, wasn’t the black hole sun film clip just plain #oddbutawesome?
And now i’m getting memories of STP…
Nick Wright
Indeed! How sad is it that that was almost 20 years ago?
Geoff Appleby
It’s still yesterday as far as i’m concerned.
It’s not grunge, but I still listen to Use Your Illusion 2 at least once a month.
Nick Wright
I mostly listened to GNR by proxy since my best friend was heavily into them. I was more of the Metallica type.
These days, of course, my tastes are vastly different.
Geoff Appleby
I was both Metallica and GNR at once. It didn’t feel like I was cheating…
Yee Gods! You boys make me feel so old! I just hit 42 last month… I remember seeing Alice in Chains when they opened for Poison… Talk about a genre switch there… no one even knew what grunge was and most folks really weren’t impressed with the odd opener.
I saw Jethro Tull in ’77 and Yes and ELP in ’78. Anyone want to top (bottom?) that?
Zeiss Ikon
For some reason, I can’t reply to Kessog — but I saw Styx in ’78 (they were touring on Grand Illusion, and I’d almost worn out the 8-track of that album by the time the came to Pullman, WA).. Closest I can come…
Geoff Appleby
Hahah! We’ve reached maximum depth! Comment-Inception 🙂
Yeah, Galaxy News Radio’s pretty good.
Um, how ’bout Allman Brothers and Deep Purple in a stadium concert circa 1972? (I was 14-ish) The Who in 1976? I think I saw the same tour of ELP and the Who in 1978…
Geoff Appleby
The who in 76? I was BORN in 76. Thanks for making me feel not quite so old anymore 🙂
I’d say grudge match but there’s Jello involved, so grunge fits. (other definition, not the band one but for grime/dirt).
But jello is neither dirty or grimy in the state as it’s it right now.
i disagree with the way its covering their bodies.
Gonna have to agree completely. But I’m biased, having grown up on the muddy banks of the Wishkah. Gotta love the local boys who go big.
first comment, love the comic.
touche, good sir…except i had nothing to do with the previous comment, so this one is quite unnecessary
Dammit. Silver medal for me then. Also, looks like Miranda’s getting a bit more… enthusiastic. And with Nate no0t intervening, I’m betting this is somehow gonna end in some lesbian jello sex. Who’s with me?
I believe that was Arne’s intent from the beginning.
Lord, I hope not…
Not First! Not Caring! Watching Jell-O Wrestling! Loving Rose’s Attitude! With Exclamation Points! And Too Many Capital Letters! 😉
;_; I just lost $25.00
Nick Wright
Hold on to your money. It’s not over yet!
I see…
David Herbert
Is that a hint to put $50 on Tracy?
Nick Wright
Nope, just advising our friend to wait until there’s a definite conclusion.
My money is on Nate winning.
Two scantily clad girls wrestling in Jell-O? I think everybody wins.
I think you have better odds with the lottery than trying to guess what is in the mind of an artist/writer.
50/50 here. Lottery suddenly doesn’t seem so hard to win.
by the time i finish this comment, I’ll be at least 5th or 6th lol
^ Nice.
lol! Thanks, and the comic is getting even more iiiinteresting!!! >:-D
Last. Now fuck off and read
God I love your attitude about this ‘first’ crap….
at any rate, Lets Get it on!! Celebrity Deathmatch Style!!! >;-)
Rose has a look in her eyes…
Sara E.
I noticed too. I wonder what it means, and what she’s plotting…
The real question is: Can Rose throw down?
Maybe she’ll push him in? That’d be hilarious.
Im thinking in line with you, But im not sure if she would do it while they are going at it, or after they are out.
Second (post on this website). Yeah, I saw Rose’s sly grin. Either she is really into the fight, pleased at Nate’s response (Own that bitch, Miranda, btw) or what fhornrocks said.
My money is on “She’s just amused by the situation and Nate’s response”.
i dunno. i think she’s noticed that nate isn’t really bothering to help miranda so she’s just happy that nate seems available.
New Banner? When did that go in?
Nick Wright
Last Wednesday. 🙂
Shows how Observent i am…
Nick Wright
Don’t worry, I didn’t announce it, and it might have taken a while for your browser to refresh the image.
Yeah, i think it may have been my browser.
Wild Fella
Well, at least Purvous didn’t change. Hes still in his good ol spot under the logo.
Nick Wright
Yeah, he’s the only one that didn’t get shifted around somehow.
There’s a banner?