Carry On

TG goes out with a bang.

As promised, I've now posted a major announcement about the next comic, including a firm premiere date. But we're not quite done with TG! Next week on this site I'll be posting a lot of cool extras, including background info and history, sketches, and even a new comic (using refurbished art) from a script I never got to use. Check back on update days!

Guys, it's been a blast. My pride in completing Treading Ground is tempered with the customary dose of sadness, but I'm super excited about my upcoming projects, and I think you will be too. TG may be ending, but we're beginning an even bigger adventure, and I hope you'll be right there with me.

178 thoughts on “Carry On

  1. FIRST


      1. I am pretty sure poop is #2. lol

    2. NOOOOOO!!!!!!! I WAS FOOUURRTTHHH!! congratulations POOP

      1. BTW, since when do any of these people own a minivan? 😉

        1. It’s Rose’s Mom’s. And I’m sure you can think of a few reasons she’s not currently driving it.

        2. No Name In Particular

          That’s the biggest flippin’ minivan I’ve ever seen — it looks like the interior of a school bus in there.

        3. giggity

        4. Really? It was a minivan? I though that Beth and Steve were sitting in the boot of Nate’s car or something.

          Also, loved the comic while it lasted. I red through the whole thing last night for a final hurrah. Look forward to the new comic.

    3. Congrats on getting first. You shall live on forever as the one true first.


      1. so do we decapitate him now to gain his power?

        1. remember, the native americans ATE their enemies to gain their power…

      2. Well, actually, this’d make him The Last First, wouldn’t it?

        1. yeah. I was really really hoping that the first comment on this would be “last”. oh well.


  2. Lose!

    1. Well, of all the people here so far, only 2 of us were right 😛

  3. FIRST!!!!!!!!!

  4. First…for the Last time.

    1. Hey it went out in a bang like I asked… Thank you.

      1. Finger bang bang bang you every night.

        1. Tell your brother Brian to learn how to write.

  5. first on last!

    1. Son of a Bitch, I missed! Great ending though!

  6. FIRST

  7. NSFW! Yay!

    1. Should it be? You don’t want your boss reading this over your shoulder, but all the action is safely tucked away in the third row seating.

      1. Nick, give us another #106! Pwetty pleeze. Thank you for the awesome comic, enjoyed it helluva lot. I’m looking forward to seeing your next project!

      2. Yay Third Row!!!!

        Dunno what it is about the third, but that is always where the action is. I can’t tell you how many coitus’s I have interruptus’ed in a third row clinch back in Rocky Horror days…. Some people thing the back row of the theater is where all the pervs hang out (bless you) …but the third is where it’s at.

        1. Thing? Freudian slip?

        2. I am forever cursed with typo’s, and never go back to fix them. When I first started posting online, I was using a 300 baud acoustic coupler. it was so slow you had to wait for each individual character to show up on the screen before starting the next sequence. There simply was no going back to correct typos, and spellcheck had not yet been perfected. Old habits die hard

  8. mmm first?

    1. Nope. But it was close!


    Anyway, sad to see this comic go.

  10. Saddnessss, I am sorry to see it end. I love the story and will miss my MWF fix.

  11. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. its such a happy ending.

  12. FIRST!

    1. it would be kind of epic if all comments on this last comic’s entry is “FIRST!

  13. so nick, how we gonna get the news for the next project?

    1. Check for a new blog post later today! I’ll also announce on Facebook and Twitter.

  14. TG goes out with a fingerbang.

    I am saddened, yet looking forward to seeing what is to come.

  15. The ending really didn’t disappoint. Lemme say I’ve enjoyed this comic for a long time now, and it’s really upsetting to see it go. I came for the boobies, and stayed for the storyline 😀

    [hahahahaha came]

    Anyway, you’ve got another follower on twitter. I can’t wait to see what you create next. Good luck with whatever you do. 🙂

    1. greenplasticarmyguy

      hehe……. boobies

  16. Thanks for everything Nick. I’m not embellishing when I say this was my favorite webcomic. I loved seeing the story and art progress into what it is today. Thanks for giving me something to look forward to during the week. This was a good run and I’ll be right there reading whatever comes next guaranteed.

    Till then, stay golden.


    1. I second that Minty! Thanks Nick for giving us something to look forward to during the week and the great stories.

  17. It’s been a great ride Nick.
    I look forward to your next project. *Gives you a thumbs up*

  18. I was just going to tweet at you, but fuck it, I want more than 160 chars.

    I discovered TG fairly late I believe, but since I loved it the moment I started reading.

    Thanks for spending the time putting it all together. Awesome story, and such a damn fitting ending. A squillion IntarwebPointz for you.

    Keep up the fine, can’t wait to see the new project when it happens.

    *sniff* I love you man. And your fingerbangin’ sensibilities.

  19. It’s been an amazing run. Thanks for sharing TG with us Nick! Eager to see what your next project’s gonna be.

  20. Although I hate to see it go, you definitely ended it on the right note. Thanks for all your work over the years. This was only one of two web comics over the years that kept me checking for the latest strip every MWF at midnight

  21. So wait, did Nate and Rose fuck yet? As that is what I got from the saying ‘that was fast, even for a quickie’

    1. I’m guessing they’ve been fucking on a regular basis for some time now.

  22. Mwahahahaha! It appears as though my chances at conquering the site were in vain. Now that it’s over, so too is my quest for comment-based domination. But no matter, for wherever goody-two-shoes race-based heroes are afoot, whenever trolling needs to take a surprisingly villianous turn, NotTheNegroGuy will be there!!!!! Wahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *descends into the mist, never to be heard from again*

    1. Who was that pigmented man?

  23. Two in the pink, two in your mom.

    1. Oi! We’ll have none of that! the sign says EXIT ONLY!!!!

  24. I’ll be watching, this was an important comic strip to me.

    If you ever want any art trades or guests strips, I’ll be up for those too.

  25. I want a gut-wrenching TG video montage, goddammit.

    1. Funny, I was just going through touching points in the story to the music of Journey.

      1. I did a video montage to “Faithfully” for this year’s Prom!

  26. WHERE IS THENEGROGUY?!?! His opinion on this must be enshrined FOREVER!

    The only good thing here is the end of the first war.

    The comic though, was great.

    1. Will the Firsters rise again at the new comic site? Only time will tell…

  27. Excellent run Nick. It’s sad to see TG end, but can’t wait to see what’s on the horizon. It was great seeing not only the story and characters progress, but also the evolution of artwork.

    Congrats man. Good luck with the new project, and I’ll be watching for it for sure.

  28. Are you currently doing commissions?

    1. Commissions are something I’ve never really gotten into. Never say never, but right now 100% of my art time is spent either making comics or graphics for That SciFi Guy.

      1. darn it 🙁 Well let me know if you do decide to do that.

  29. …yeah, yeah that’s about as perfect an ending as it was ever going to get.

    Thanks for the many years of entertainment.

  30. A nice trip with TG!! I really enjoyed jajaja

  31. kinda sad to see miranda get the shaft..she just sort of ran off screen and that’s the last we see of her.

    1. She deserved it, what with her just-wanna-hang-out-I’m-so-laid-back pretenses, and her we-went-out-once-so-you-belong-to-me psychosis.

  32. Well a good run it certainly was. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the comic and would enjoy the new project once it is finished. Can’t wait and best of luck.

  33. I’m broke, bitch!

    What a wonderful shirt.

  34. ha i get it. it went out on a bang alright….a fingerbang that is. hahahaha you clever sunovabitch you

  35. It’s sad to see a good thing come to an end. But, hey. I prefer it end on a good note. And you know, if you read the whole thing from start to finish, it’s like a perverted, comical coming of age movie in storyboard format. I like that.

    This was an awesome comic. I loved it. And I look forward to whatever you come out with next. ^.^

  36. Thank you Mr. Wright. This was an engrossing strip while it lasted and while I do think you had a strong enough ensemble cast to keep things going I’m content with the gratuitous amount of naked Tracy the last few months. Looking forward to the next strip.

  37. Wow after a year of reading its over, i really hope you segway off of this comic into something greater, but its gonna be hard to be better than this.

    Loved every strip!

  38. Wait… this is the last comic… Where the hell is TheNegroGuy!?!

    Thanks for all years of laughs, Nick. (yes, years, because I start reading before the hiatus)

  39. SIXTY-FIFTH!!!! =P lol i loved this comic, and this ending is wonderful!! a few loose endings, but the big ones are covered here ^.^ so many other characters needing an ending still though….

  40. After reading this comic for several months, maybe over a year, I’ve got to say, very nice job with your grand finale Nick. It’s been very fun to read this comic every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

    I am glad this series ended on a comedic note and it ended very nicely, with of course one last hilarious line. I started reading this comic while I was reading another comic and I am so glad I checked out this comic that day.

    Well Nick, thank you for all your hard work and the great times, it was funny, it was dramatic, but above all, was a fantastic comic.

  41. Well, now you have officially one-upped Josh Philips. :p

  42. I dunno, the whole ending felt sort of… rushed, I guess? I mean, I suppose you sort of tied off the loose ends, but everything ended so abruptly! It’s like, dramadramadrama – RESOLVEDEND. I kinda want there to be a season 2. Lord knows their could be,

    1. personally i disagree with this, did the drama end abruptly, yea, but i’ve had to go through so much general bullsht with my friends and it kinda ends up like that. everything seems like there is so much more to deal with and it just kinda…drops. is it perfect? no, but it’s real enough.

      – my five cents.
      ……what does that exchange into in rupees……. (sorry, playing zelda all 3 days in a row now)

      1. Approximately 2.2 Rupees. Of course, those are Indian Rupees and not Hylian. And yeah, I get what you’re saying – everyone’s had to deal with friend drama, and it usually does end this way, but as a writer, story conflict ending so quickly is usually a bad thing. That’s why there’s usually at least a chapter and a half – sometimes two whole chapters – at the end of a story that winds everything up. That’s all I’m saying on the subject, though.

  43. Hello,first comment here. Probably last too though. I am fairly new reader, I started when the beach party has started and I have read entire comic all in once and I loved it. I love that you chose to finish the story instead of dragging it indefinitely.
    I would like to know will in your next comic some of TG’s cast be returning (I am hoping for my favorite character Arne). It would be nice to see a familiar face,something that links the comics,if its possible 🙂

  44. Well I have to say I’m gonna miss this comic but what a great ending can’t wait for the next project!

  45. Perfect.

  46. I want a taco…

    Nick can i have a taco?

  47. this is my first true comment, but I have truly enjoyed your work thus far, and will hope your next endevors will shine just as bright!

  48. Yes, well done and well played.

  49. Thanks for the journey. will the new comic also be nsfw(ish) from time to time? If not i have to hunt you down and spank you.

  50. Any updates on what you’ll do next will go in the RSS, right?

    1. Definitely. And the aforementioned Twitter and Facebook.

  51. I wish I could read it all back. I honestly do. I honestly do wish I could take it all back. And not just because the comic has ended for good. Anyway.
    If I was ever to see this again, do you know what I’d say? I’d say “good job”. Sincerely. I am sorry I was impatient, and monstrous, and, I am genuinely sorry. The end.

  52. Nice ending 🙂

  53. R.I.P.
    The awesomeness that is TREADING GROUND….
    “It lived an altogether brief life. At first colourless, it then continuing on into excellence and occasional NSFW.Sometimes stopping to slip into a comatose-like state for a while, but was always, always was primarily about sex and supermarkets.”
    You shall be missed.

  54. Awesome work Nick. I found TG quite late in the day – about 6 months ago. On the day I found it I read them all up to that point and it has been a favourite ever since. I can’t wait to see and read what you do next.

    As we say here in the UK – nice work mate!

  55. Well, as many others have been saying, I’ve only been following your comic for the last 2-3 months, but I have become a huge fan in that time, and I’m extremely sad to see the goodness come to an end. However, I’m really excited to see your new project, and will be a devoted follower. Keep up the great work, and good luck!

  56. No all out, hardcore, severely NSFW orgy at then end?! Color me disappointed. But I will really miss this strip… I only read two consistently and this was one of ’em. Thanks for the laughs… and gratuitous nudity. 🙂

  57. … and LIFE (as we’ve come to know it) goes ON!

    Nick, I’ve TOTALLY enjoyed “TG” and am waiting patiently for the NEXT one!

    (Even though the LOSS of “Treading” DOES screw up my morning comixxx “read”! – Now, WTH am I gonna read Mon/Wed/Fridays???)

    1. Be patient for just a bit. The new project will also start as a M-W-F update!

  58. Awesome ride it was!
    Sad to see it end, but one end always lead to a new beginning!

    GO GO GO!

  59. I have loved this comic since I first found it. I forget how and it doesn’t really matter anyway. I’m sad to see it end, but if the next one has your same sense of humor or writing style I know I’ll enjoy it. It won’t even need to be NSFWish. I’m really looking forward to all the TG extras and whatever your next project is. Thanks for the ride. It’s been awesome.

  60. Great comic! Can’t beleive it’s over :'(

  61. And so it ends. I’ve certainly enjoyed the journey, I’ll certainly be waiting around to view the excess luggage next week, and I’ll definitely be there at the dock when the next ship in the Nick Wright fleet is ready to launch. My caprine compliments, Nick, and I’d take my hat off to you, if one would actually fit over my horns. C| >:=)>

    The ending could have been a bit less SFW, but I suppose we can all use our imaginations….

    Nina: I said stop! STOP IT! It’s not smart and it’s not sexy, it’s not sexy, not sexy, not sexy, not, not, not, not notnotnotnotnotnotnotNOT!!!!!! SHIT!!! (rips off top, starts yanking down jeans) Get over here, dick boy!

    Jimi: I’s a comin!

    Nina: Oh yeaH!

    Nate: (sighs, rolls eyes)

    Rose: (sighs) And peer pressure is such a bitch. (leans right over to Nate)

    Nate’s zipper: Zwwooot!

    Rose: *suck gulp suck slurp slurp swallow slurp slurp swallow swallow swallow*

    Nate: Ro-o-o-ose! I’m drivi-i-i-ing!

    Rose: (smiles) *swallow swallow swallow etc.*

    Officer Doogan: Hey, lookie over there.

    Officer Mackenzie: (looks up from driving) Ay-up! Looks like a clear case of driving while fell-ated. (reaches for light’n’siren button)

    Officer Doogan: Wait! Let’s cruise on up for a better look.

    Officer Mackenzie: Okay. (Rose comes up for air) Hey isn’t that the piece we did by that road, back before we-

    Officer Doogan: Back before she was legal. Shit.

    Nina: (lurching up against the side window) Oh YEESSSS!

    Doogan: That star’s kinda familiar. One of yours?

    Officer Mackenzie: Yeah. Crazy times. Maybe we should…

    Beth: (erupts from back seat) YEAAAHH!!!

    Officers Doogan and Mackenzie: BETH CROWLEY?! SHIT!!!!!

    Officer Doogan: Floor it!!

    Officer Mackenzie: Way ahead of you!

    1. You forgot purvus showing up

      1. Purvus: Rose? What you drinking? I have some? Rose?

  62. Welp; there we go. And the comic all comes down to those two hands holding, comfortable with each other despite of what goes on around them.

    Great work, Nick – it’s been a fun ride, and all the better because the journey had a planned destination. I’d followed TG since its start and after the hiatus I was quite pleasantly surprised (I’ve seen plenty of webcomics drift away as the creator either loses focus or get Real Life demanding more of the free time that’d be used to make said comic (see poor ol’ Fenris and Akidia…no…Akidia…no…Akidia…er, Pepperwood…;) )

    As we put this story to bed, I am champing at the bit at the hints of your next project! I’ll wait as patiently as I can, but with bated breath…

  63. Thanks for all the hard work you’ve put into this Nick, it’s been a blast. Best of luck in all future efforts! 🙂

  64. Kinda remind me of the ending from Ranma 1/2.

    1. What Ranma are you watching?! And where can I buy it?!

  65. nice comic, nice ending, but still….
    a few loose ends if you ask me:

    -what happend with trevor and arne’s son?
    -what’s going to happen with aya?
    -what’s up with the rest of the cast?

    1. All I can say is stay tuned…

      1. stay tuned? confused devil is confused: you said this was the end of the comic

  66. Congratulations on finishing up the comic and for sticking with your plans instead of letting it run and run past the point where you had any interest in continuing it. I feel these characters had lots more stories that could be told about them, but this is YOUR world and your decision.

    Thanks for bringing it to us! I look forward to seeing more from you in future.

    Keep writing and drawing!


  67. I feel like I came late to the party, but I’ve enjoyed the last year as a reader, and I appreciate the work you’ve put into it. I look forward to seeing your next project.

  68. I have loved reading this comic since I found it. It has given me some much need laughs in the last year, and I hope to continue to enjoy your work. Thanks for the laughs.

  69. So very sorry to see this comic go, but that was a perfect ending. Great job, sir!

  70. Heh, adding on an awkward as well as a heartwarming moment. ^^ Good job. Treading Ground’s been fun most of the time. I’m looking forward to the next project.

  71. Thanks for the ride! It’s been a good comic, looking forward to what your next project will be 🙂

  72. Perfect. Classy, sweet, all’s well that ends well. Well done, indeed, and thank you for sharing this fun story. *^_^* Looking forward to the next project!

  73. Please promise you will keep the site and the archive available

    1. Yep! I have no plans to pull it down.

  74. Gotta say, this is one awesome way to end, if an ending there must be….Of course, I can think of several other awesome ways, but this one works for me quite well. Nicely Done, Mr. Comic Demi-Diety!!

  75. Great job, beginning to end, man. It’s been a helluva fun ride. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for the next debut!

  76. Great little story. Very well done. Good characters, nice art. Could have used a touch more drama at the denouement, but overall an excellent first work. I am definitely looking forward to your next comic. Good luck.

  77. I'll-be-back-erminator

    I have to say, your entire comic was great. The drawings were awesome, the story was great, the characters were interesting… I’m gonna miss it a lot 🙁

    But I have hope! You said you were working on another project (count me in one of those attending the premiere!) and that you’d be bringing some characters back (I don’t know if it is for full-time or only guest appearances)… Also looking forward to all the extras next week ^_^

    So anyway, keep up the good work, you seriously rock!

    (Guys, I call Treading Ground Next Generation)

  78. I am sad that it’ll end soon, but at least you completed it. I, myself, tried my hands at 3 webcomics during the past 8 years, which I abandoned after 50, 77 and 32 episodes, all during an incomplete storyline. Thanks for taking the time to NOT doing that.

  79. And in the spirit of all TG commentary and revelry…


    I had a blast guys.

  80. HA! I knock the last out of place!


    Been cool, looking forward to the new comic.

  81. Say it with me: D’AWWWWWWWW

    I like how you alluded to, but never actually said if they did the deed. Hooray for ambiguous sex!

    See you at your next project, Nick! You bring the boobs, I’ll bring the beer.

  82. If I was rich, I would pay you to make the next project a daily one instead of M-W-F. But sadly, I cannot afford to do that. 😛

    I’ve been reading a lot of webcomics recently, and I can quite honestly say that Treading Ground was my favorite. I look forward to your next project.

    1. I hope you get rich soon! This ‘day job’ shit sucks.

      And thanks. 🙂

  83. Waah! Don’t wanna see it end!!!! But ‘Thank You’, regardless.


    Great comic, Nick.

  85. Like it says: Out with a (finger) bang.

    Come ON! 130+ comments and NO ONE ELSE thought of that?!?
    What must TNG think?

    And Nick, thanks for the fun ride.

    1. It’s been mentioned a few times. I’m glad people got the joke. 🙂

  86. Thanks Nick!
    Congratulations on wrapping up a great series..

    I think I can speak for everyone when I say I’m thankful to have been a part of this journey 🙂

  87. why are you ending the comic?? it is far from being done…….VERY far from being done. there is still so much that can happen. are you bored with the comic and the characters? thats the only reason i can come up with for you quitting the comic

  88. Okay, That Jewish Dude REALLY likes the shirt that Jimi is wearing. PLEASE tell That Jewish dude i’s for sale!!!


  89. First time ever commenting on this amazing webcomic, but I think I speak for everyone when I say that this was a fantastic ride. Definitely taught me a lot about storytelling and (believe it or not) relationships.

    I think the ending was perfect. In the end, it wasn’t about NSFW sex between these two. They’ve grown up to actually appreciate a real and (slightly) mature relationship. This comic really does end TG on a perfect note.

    Thanks again buddy. I, like everyone else, eagerly await your next awesome project!

  90. A perfect ending to the best webcomic I’ve ever gotten into. Thanks for the laughs and the tits, man.

  91. Wait, so… this isn’t what I’m meant to be seeing, is it?
    I was so psyched for the last page but my laptop doesn’t seem to wanna let me see </3

    1. Nope. The image is good, but I’m guessing it downloaded wrong for you. Try a Ctrl-F5 to do a hard refresh. Hope that helps!

  92. Ugh, I am definitely sad to see it end, but I’m curious to see Idle State in action (no pun?). I love that you’re bringing Aya back!

  93. Hey. Grats of finishing TG although it will be missed. I am really looking forward to your new comic. Is can’t wait for the 18th

  94. i’m sad to see this end. but at the same time i don’t think their is any other way to continue. i will be looking forward to your other projects.

  95. Long time reader but never commented. Just wanted to say that I really enjoyed the strip and will be watching your new one equally closely 🙂

  96. I am pissed; not because Treading Ground is ending (I called it like 4-5 months ago and prepared for it) but because I am computerless, in northern(ish) Saskatchewan with less than 3G coverage and relying on my smartphone (if it can be called that. It’s kinda old) that is only loading half of the top panels! I see the dialogue and half of rose’s head! Now I gotta wait 4 days until I’m back home with sufficient cell phone strength to see the end of my favourite webcomic!

  97. Well, I’ve been reading this comic for a while and never posted a comment. I guess I’m glad that at least I was here to see it end. It was a great read, realy. I loved the characters and the plots were really interesting. I’m looking forward to your next works.

    May the Force be with you always.

  98. Hey! Great comic Nick!
    Ive been enjoying it the whole time. Bit sad it’s over, but I’m wondering…will we be able to buy the comic in book form sometime now that it’s done? That would be pretty awesome! Can’t wait to see the new comic.

  99. COMPLETELY absurd, and a hell of a ride!
    Good job!

    Looking forward to the new strip!

  100. THE END….

    …for now
    *lowers curtain

  101. No Name In Particular


  102. …Some dude here has to be ironic. XP

  103. Will be forever sad at the ending of TG. I hope I see more of your projects, and am very happy to hear about the book and the lack of taking down the TG website

  104. Gotta say, I’ve been reading this since you started and glad to say I was here when it ended. Damn good job, Nick. I’ll miss seeing what happens to the two of them from here (and Purvous. Damn it. Love that crazy man), but all good things come to an end. And this was definitely a good thing.

    Godspeed, man. Or Ludicrous Speed. Whichever you prefer.

  105. Hey, Nick, I only now noticed how Nate is similar to Dante Hicks from the Clerks movie.

  106. That was a great comic. I’m glad it died a natural death rather than be hastily cut or fall into unlimited “hiatus”…

    Happy completed story!

  107. I found this comic a couple years ago and loved it. Then I forgot about it for a time, and recently wanted to get back into it. Took me a couple days to remember the name, but I did and have now finished it. Brilliant comic, and great ending. very satisfying. thanks so much for the awesome comic

    1. Awesome, I love to hear stories like that! Glad you enjoyed it.

  108. After rediscovering life, coming back to this comic to reread and finding out that noone made a Kansas joke is a bit disappointing

  109. Last 🙁

  110. I miss you and this wonderful comic.

  111. Million time reading this shit , years go by , but this just keep making me laugh , i really love it

  112. Yet another read-through. Still fantastic. I’ll never remove this bookmark as long as the page is up.

    1. Thanks, Dillon. It means a lot to me that you’re still enjoying this!

  113. For years I forgot what this was called, and kept wanting to reread it. Finally, I found it while doing a Google search for les’s line about friction overcoming dull knives. For some reason that stuck in my head. Just finished, and a decade later it holds up. Thank you.

    1. Thanks Tyrson! Glad you managed to find it after all these years, and that’s some fine Googling skill!

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