Steve is a man who knows the value of preparedness.
I don't want to oversell it, but to me this comic represents some of the best art in the series to date. Lately I've been actually Drawing Every Day, and I'm really starting to see the results. I'm getting a better handle on my characters and generally getting more skilled at what I do, and it feels great.
Thanks for the feedback on the new site! Everyone seems to like the changes, and I know I do. As much as I'm glad ComicGenesis was there to help me get started, it's really nice to no longer be just a subdomain, and to have a website that looks like it was designed this century. Help me spread the word around! It's not embarrassing to link to anymore!
There's another major announcement in store next Monday. Stay tuned!
13 thoughts on “Member of Society”
It’s true: that extra optical inch comes in handy.
Hahaha. I fuckin’ love Steve! He’s one of my favorites on here! Gonna link to a bunch of places. 😛
Well, aside from the mature content…nope, no longer embarrasing. :p
Glad to hear that you’re doing some drawing every day!
Can someone please smite the above comment (and this one)? Or is my shame at accidentally hitting the comment button and not hitting the browser’s stop button in time going to last forever in the annals of the internet?
Assuming you can’t, I’m honestly glad you’re doing some drawing every day. It’s an impressive goal to achieve and an even better one to sustain. Now, if I could just get myself to write every day…
I didn’t see anything wrong with your comment! Maybe you caught it in time?
Tony McGirr
Gonna link this but I doubt anyone will stumble upon my site.
BTW I should say that it was Treading Ground and QC that inspired me to try my hand at webcomics!
Thanks, guys!
And Tony, I’m honored! Your seem to have a good grasp on the basics of drawing. I think you’ll really shine when you start developing your Photoshop skills.
You should show off your stuff on deviantArt, might get you some more fans.
Remember, doing fan art for popular anime characters is a good way to zoom straight to the front.
I’ve been generally apathetic about DA for years, but I’ve definitely found the value in harvesting my old art for wall things of late.
I must respectfully disagree about dA, as they are the art gallery equivalent of Facebook when it comes to privacy and copyrights. It also has the drawback of being a cyberstalker’s playground…so, really, it’s like everything you hate about Facebook and MySpace all rolled up into a fattie!
How often are you updating? Love the comic thus far 🙂
Yeah, that’s the one thing I forgot to include with the new site design. This will be addressed with the next update on Monday. Glad you’re enjoying it!
Great job, your art HAS gotten better. There’s a good bit more detail in your characters overall. Also, Rose’s chest isn’t just a pair of circles like in the older stuff 🙂
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