Clarity (NSFW)

Hey, don't blame me. People asked for more NSFW comics...

133 thoughts on “Clarity (NSFW)

  1. there is a mistake in the last panel, the wrong ass is showing 😛

    1. Agreed. We wanna see more lady T&A! Douche Bag’s ass should never be seen again!

      1. I can’t remember, was he ever named?

        And I agree with the petition against his ass showing.

        1. I disagree – too much female T&A in the web comics already 🙂
          Girl readers wanna be pandered to also!
          He might be a douche bag, but it’s not like at least one of the ‘ladies’ in this comic isn’t much of a Lady.
          Frankly, If there’s gonna be NSFW content… be fair to Both genders… let it ALL hang out… 😉

        2. No offense, Nick. But if we’re gonna end up with more dick in this comic, I”ll take my business to Christopher.

          No, I’m just kidding. I can’t quit you.

          But seriously. No dicks.

        3. if you look closely enough you’ll find a penis in the back ground.

        4. Ha HaHa I see it now that you said something.

        5. It is more like testicles, you could tell because he is a douche and you cant see peenor from the back view

        6. You’re looking in the wrong panel. 🙂

    2. agree with Lando. Trevor (aka Douche Bag) gets far, far too much page time. by which i mean pretty much any and all NSFW related to him that doesn’t have Rose

      1. As some one named Trevor, it pains me to NO END to be affiliated with young master dick weed in any way, even if it is by name. His intelligence, or lack there of, gives us all a bad name and a never ending cesspool of shame. Still though, great comic, and his “character” adds contrast and fiber. I just wish it didn’t shame Trevor’s everywhere. Insert sad face here.

    3. out of curosity, did you change the last panel, i distinctly remember the sheets hugging the form of ehr legs a LOT better

      1. Yeah, wasn’t really satisfied with it. It definitely had a carbonite feel, as has been pointed out.

  2. lol dat ass


      1. HEY! The Negro Guy stands up to those who point fun at others for sexual choice and/or preference. If Minty-Phresh likes male ass, then so be it.

        1. The Fat Anorexic

          The Fat Anorexic believes The Negro Guy should write a book. The Fat Anorexic would buy three copies for The Fat Anorexic, and another dozen to throw at ignorant people.

        2. The Deus wonders if all of our comments will be in the third person from now on. And that he would buy that book.

        3. You abruptly realize that some smartass is liable to write a comment in second person just to spite the trend.

        4. On the other hand, it is Our considered opinion that speaking as (in addition to) all other persons is far too pedestrian to be bothered with. We shall therefore not dignify this thread with our continued presence.

        5. The Oberon guy….*must……resist….third….person*
          *I*….I fully endorse both the standing up, and the book throwing. I will bring popcorn and sneer at the homophobes. Maybe insinuate that they have deep seated desires which drives them to hate, that always works them up into a lather for some reason. 🙂

        6. The Hunter *ignoring urge to resist 3rd person* believes we should all load up said books into rocket launchers, so The Hunter may fire them into the eyes of homophobes. Then The Hunter will allow The Hunter’s dogs to eat said homophones.

        7. What’s your problem with homophobes, guys?
          You should be more tolerant and respectful!

        8. It is the aforementioned homophobes that need to be tolerant and respectful.


        9. Come on, you don’t believe anyone’s going to say that seriously, do you?

        10. It’s because they believe that they can actually be turned gay. Oh no, we’re giving them the gay cooties!

      2. LIMEY,

        Homophobe much?


    2. The Snide Wizard is pretty sure Minty-Phresh found merely amusement and not erotic satisfaction by the display.

  3. Wait a minute…a total basket case finds a cute D&D-playing girl on the job that wants to be with him?

    That just killed my willing suspension of disbelief, man. XD

    1. I met my D&D-playing woman in high school… 10 years later, we’re married. 😀

      1. well caught sir.

    2. My fiancée kicks my ass at Halo on a regular basis.

      1. Ok that’s hot…

        1. The Negro Guy knows it’s hot when a girl has a shotgun between her legs, whilst unloading it into a zombies head.

        2. My girlfriend kicks tons of ass at games, including but not limited to: D&D, any FPS (Such as LFD and LFD2), WoW and of course Magic: The Gathering. She has a tendancy to play dead space naked in my appartment on her days off because she just doesn’t feel like getting dressed on those days.

        3. Pics or it didn’t happen.

        4. I’m not his girlfriend but I am just like his girlfriend. I do have a boyfriend though.

        5. If i ever do break up with my current GF, I want one like that. Please tell me where you met her.


      2. My wife, who doesn’t even play video games, *always*, and I mean *always* manages to beat my ass at any street fighter type games. It’s become an inside joke… If we’re at the movie theater and there is a mini-arcade, and we’re way early, I’ll just ask “So, do you want to give me the two-handed punch?”, and off we go to drop a few quarters and my self esteem. Just kidding at the self esteem thing, I’m really more amazed. I blew a good portion of my food money in college on Street Fighter, and I get consistently beat by a non-player. Go figure?

      3. Nice, you lucky, lucky man

    3. That SciFI Guy’s fiancee DMs. I’ve played in one of her campaigns.

      1. And yet I have not, odd.

        1. You’ve never really been big on D&D, though.

        2. It’s not like I’ve NEVER played or anything.
          I do own like 6 sets of dice.

          But yeah, I guess for me it’s just too much fantasy and not enough SCIENCE!

        3. 3 Man dice do not count

  4. Clearly, this comic is pandering to feminists and lesbians. Clearly. Oh! Almost forgot nuns. Lotsa nuns read this!

    1. You say that like that’s a bad thing.

      1. Do you play MI3? o.O Because I can seriously hear Lemonhead’s voice right now, he said almost the exact same thing.

    2. The Negro Guy has seen nun-sploitation porn. Never thought The Negro Guy would get aroused from that.

  5. This looks like its going in exactly the direction I was hoping it would. Huzzah.

    1. you mean the one where the 20 something guy gets with the class slut yeah reeeeeaaaal nice

      1. “Ex” Class slut if this is turning out how it looks to be. Maturity happens, despite us not believing some are capable of it.

        1. The Negro Guy knows a few girls who need to mature. If they don’t, The Negro Guy is gonna shove his boot straight up their immature asses.

  6. (Sees a$$) My eyes! The goggles do nothing! …douchebaggery aside, nice to see these two realizing “Huh, maybe I SHOULD try for something real this time…” You are quickly becoming one of my favorite webcomics sir, major kudos.

    1. I picked it up fairly early on, and am pleased that I did. I have come to have a good comic-quality sense.

      1. The Negro Guy agrees with Andrew and Ed. This a very great comic.

  7. Not a bad set of gluts. The rest is kind of cute too, now that he isn’t saying something stupid.

    1. He does seem to be at his best when asleep.

      1. Only problem is, when he’s awake, shit comes out ONE end or the other!

        1. …haha, says The Negro Guy.

  8. Regret: when you’re laying next to your significant other at night, and wondering how fuck did you get to this point

    1. Is that a double entendre?

      1. Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies

  9. What point is NSFW ?

    1. N_ot

      1. Hehe, awesome typo there 😀

        I submit that, as a reader, (web-)comics are generally Not Safe For Workpace. Comics being Not Safe For Workplace, however, are a whole ‘nother pair of boots.

        1. Boomer Gonzales

          Naw; I think he got it right.

          Webcomics, Faceboook, and Youtube are the Bermuda Triangle of the Interwebz where productivity goes to die. 😛

        2. Don’t forget tvtropes!

        3. There’s a reason I don’t keep bookmarks to that place.

        4. Hail to the King

          TvTropes is how i found out this place(it was a slow tuesday, I literally had time to waste, and my manager allows us to goof off when there no customers( i work at Gamestop) )

        5. Must….have….your job….

      2. Ok thanks, but I mean in this particular one, what is NSFW ?

        1. Trevor’s ass may be safe for work where you’re from, but I tend to err on the side of caution when labeling these things. 🙂

        2. Ok thanks, despite I’m French, i forgot that you’re an international webcomic ^^

        3. How did you manage that? Do you forget whether you’re reading in your own language?

        4. Yeah, but what is the point? I mean, at least for me, the NSFW appears at the BOTTOM of the comic…so by the time it shows up, the comic is already full screen. and the damage has been done. (Well, not for me… I have privacy shields on my three monitor display at work, but still…..)

        5. It’s mainly for people who keep up with the comic via RSS, Facebook or Twitter, or view the Archive later.

          For others, the “Occasionally NSFW” warning at the top is all I can really do.

  10. I really don’t like rose as a character. That being said this 90% chance she ends up with the main char 😐

  11. Rose stop hogging all the blankets! Share with the Tae Kwon Douchebag!

    also, what kind of blanket is it that perfectly outlines the contour and shape of a human body. i tell ya, my blankets never do that unless i tuck them in just perfectly.

    hmm. must be some kinda “frozen carbonite” shit like from Star Wars. poor Han…..

    1. thin silk blanket…

      1. Giggity!

        1. Lmfao

    2. It’s a sheet. The blanket is further down/on the floor. Notice it’s the same color as the fitted sheet and pillowcase.

      1. i still don’t think it would be that sharp of a contour though…, i mean her chest and stomach because her arms are resting on top, but i not around her legs, plus, i don’t think that is a very comfortable sleeping position…it looks awkward from this angle anyway.

        1. So you’re worried about her being in a bad sleeping position, even though she’s not sleeping? All of these positions are actually rather comfortable.

          Regarding the contours, either show me some reference pictures that support your opinion or chalk it up to this weird pseudo-cel-shaded thing I have going on. If you want to nitpick my art, you’ll be here all day.

        2. Dawwwwwww……

        3. Tousche. I apologize.

        4. There is no ‘s’ in ‘Touche’

  12. What I can’t understand is how exactly it is that Rose keeps letting Tae Kwon Douchebag back into her bed. He has to either be the most skilled lover on the planet, or really fucking hung for her to keep putting up with his shit. Every time she turns around, he embarrasses the hell out of her and she gets a look of “What the HELL am I doing with him?” on her face.

    The only thing I can think of that keeps her with him is that Nate “dumping” her has her convinced that she is absolutely worthless and douchebags like Trevor are the best she’ll ever be able to get.

    So either there is something more to Trevor that we don’t know about that keeps her coming back, or Rose is on the suicidal side of depression and just doesn’t care anymore. Either way, I can’t wait for more.

    1. Wanna bet she gives the Douche-bag the “Hon-I-missed-a-period” speach?

      *I’d* like to see it, just to watch him leave “skid-marks’ heading out the door!

      (Now, THAT’S “entertainment”!)

    2. She’s still in an early phase in her life where she has a bigger desire for the physical part of a relationship. But Tae Kwon Douchbag is now putting things into perspective that there’s more to life than just the ol’ in-out-in-out.

      To be honest, this strip is beginning to be just as bad as Ménage à 3! It’s making me want to yell out “enough already! Get together! Get laid! Be a loving couple! Be happy!”

      Despite Tubby’s lack of tact and intelligence, he went for what made him happy and didn’t fill his mind with useless “reasoning” and “justifications” — not that there was any room in that head of his for all of that crap! 🙂

    3. It’s a case of, “I’ve got nobody better to be with, so I’ll stick with you because at least I’m getting laid”. The sad part is, that’s the whole reason my first girlfriend after my ex-wife stayed together more than 6 months. She was a blonde-bimbo that was impossible to hold a conversation with, but I was getting laid 2-4 times a week while I was with her.

      1. She stayed together? You were expecting her to disintegrate?

  13. My wife encouraged me to start playing airsoft last year. Now she wants to renovate our master bedroom in a Dr Who theme. I live in geek heaven.

    1. Four poster Tardis?

  14. Okay, I agree with all those people. WRONG ASS TO SHOW, NICK!!! And, WHAT THE HELL!?!?!?!? She slept with him AGAIN!?!? The Tae-Kwon-Douchehole, Young Master DIckweed, ‘That dude’ who raped his own throat with a corndog!?!? You can tell that she’s thinking ‘I slept with him… Why?’

    Poor Rose. Hurry up and get boned by Nate!! While he bones Tracy and that one hispanic chick whose name escapes me.


    1. The Negro Guy says it’s not that simple. We men think one way and one way only (giggity), whilst women think on a whole other scale. The female needs to feel like she is secure, something The Negro Guy is very capable of doing.

      1. I know that. But be honest, if you were a girl, would you feel secure with a guy who corndog-rapes his own throat?


  15. And he snores!!!

    OMG; he snores!!!!!!

    Loud even!!!!

  16. His ass looks like my ass…only less hairy.

  17. Silly Nate and Rose. The answers aren’t on the ceiling–try looking at the bottom of a bottle like the rest of us 🙂

    I’m sensing the red string of fate here.

    1. Hail to the Kingd

      the only thing i see at the bottom of the bottle is god saying take another shot

  18. As a “lady”, I would argue that it’s nice to see some male nudity once in a while.

    But did it have to be that douche? And don’t most guys have at least a couple of hairs on their butt?!


    1. he’s a blonde, its likely that if we could see it from this distance, it would look excessive…

      1. Let me give you the hairy details: It is very possible to have blonde hair on the head, yet dark hair everywhere else. As for this case, we only only see his buttocks, and I don’t ever recall having had hair on my buttocks. I guess with all the sitting down that I do, any hair that attempts to grow gets pulled out. Or something. Grass doesn’t grow on a road with lots of traffic, and my buttocks get plenty of chair action. If you know what I mean. Nudge nudge, wink wink.

        1. ehh. everyone is different i guess…but i find that true for blondes who have “dirty” blonde hair, and not “yellow” blonde hair like Trevor here, its also whether or not Nick actually wants to add that particular detail… I for one, would not….

  19. I tip my hat to you Nick. Not only do you you keep us entertained with your strip, you make us actually CARE about your characters. I think it’s great that Nate and Rose appear to be both searching for something more than what they have. [The general concensus is it’s for each other.]

    Now for the answer to Tia’s question. My dear lady, most men don’t have hair On their asses as much as In their asses. I don’t think that Nick was in the mood to draw a hairy ass-crack.
    Oh, and Nick, I have to agree with the room on this one. If you were going to show off Trevor’s bare ass, you should have shown Rose’s breasts as well. Tits ALWAYS make a comic better!

    1. It’s hard to look contemplative with your tits out.

      1. It’s hard, yes, but librarian glasses help…

  20. ….Damn, Derek just owned both of them.

    …Why can’t I have a D&D GF

    *Go off to cry in his room*

  21. Clearly this is NSFW because of how tightly that blanket is hugging Rose’s body. It’s practically having sex with her.


  22. The Negro Guy says, in a way, you kinda know how this story is gonna end up being like down the road, but you still bet against the main character.

  23. I think Nate should hook up with that…person….lady…..the one he went to the fair with.

    1. you mean Miranda?

  24. You know, I’m disliking Nate more and more. Trevor may be a dick, but at least he’s honest about what he is; there’s no guess work (which is possibly why Rose is still with him). Nate is also a dick, but he hides his dickness behind a veil of convenient social excuses. He’s sleeping with Tracy even though he doesn’t like her, only went out with Miranda because she made it so that he didn’t really have to do anything, and now seems to be reconsidering dating Rose only because he knows he can legally have sex with her. Something he could have done anyway if he’d cared enough to check. Rose is by far the most sympathetic character in the comic, because she, at least, seems to be growing as a person. Yeah, dating Trevor was a mistake, but given that she’d just spent the better part of a year trying to grow beyond the cesspool of her environment for the benefit of someone who couldn’t be bothered to care. I hope at the end of this saga she kicks both of them to the curb and finds someone truly worthy of her spirit.

  25. Looks like they’re hitting that “I need to grow up!” point. Thank God.

    Nate’s starting to see that his opportunist way of going about things, and waiting for the good to come to him, only leaves him in the dust while everyone else goes and actually gets what they want. He settles for the easy things (like sex with Tracy) and misses opportunities to make good things work out for him (making amends with Rose).
    Rose is starting to see that her constant need for sex just made her look pathetic, leaving her with the scum of the earth. Nate was probably the first guy who just wanted to hang out like normal without the constant asking for sex or being immature, and now she misses it.
    Steve himself just voiced that they all need to grow up, or else they will stay as they are while life zooms on ahead. Derek, who had spent most of his screen time being made fun of by everyone, just got what the other two couldn’t; a steady relationship that’s most likely gonna go somewhere and make him and his significant other very happy. If Steve is the first to fully acknowledge this, it proves he’s a lot more insightful than he lets on, meaning he has hope to actually get serious about life, as he just told Nate they need to.
    Meanwhile, Trevor is…um…well, he’s exposing his naked ass again to us, and stirring up a nauseous feeling in my stomach. For a douche bag like him, that IS an achievement. So…good for you, Trevor!

    I’m interested in seeing where this development goes next. I feel like everyone had a break through right here.

  26. I have a quick question, does that poster in the back say rasputins penis?

  27. If we ever see Trevor’s butt again, it should be because Rose is doing him with her strap-on.

    1. …No.

    2. I second that emotion; not only no but HELL NO!

    3. I wouldn’t want to see it, but it would be funny as hell! and for once, The Negro Guy didn’t refer to himself in the third person. IT’S A MIRACLE!!!


      1. Nah, the Nigro Guy left a comment up way earlier where he didn’t refer to himself in the third person. The comment was simply “Giggity” which means he’s probably just some 13 year old fag who still finds Family Guy fucking hilarious. *sighs*

        But you’re right, Khaos, it IS a bloody miracle.

        1. I dunno, it could actually work, depending on presentation. imagine , if you will: (then claw you mind’s eye out)

          panel one: Dickweed: on his hands and knees blindfolded, ass facing us, maybe bound… making some typical jackwad comment.

          panel two: Rose, topless (hey, fair is fair) holding the strap on in one hand, some lube in the other, telling him to get ready for his surprise.

          Panel three: Zoom out to a shot of earth from space, with his shrieks of pain and shock audible from all over the globe

          Panel four: Rose sleeping soundly with a *HUGE* grin on her face (I will refrain from calling it a Shit-eating grin), dickweed next to her wide awake, a single tear rolling down his cheek, and in teenie-tiny print, only a single word: “mommy…”

  28. found the penis and its even labeled and as for dicks or what ever i dont care its a comic so it dosent mean anything

  29. hehe, nice change on the last panel…
    I think it looks much better.
    I’ll try to keep the nitpicking to a minimum from now on though, it is your comic…

    1. Thanks! I went back and forth on that one. Like I said, it’s this weird pseudo cel-shading thing I have gong on. Sometimes it’s hard to know what level of detail to take it to.

      Plus, it’s surprisingly hard to find good reference pictures of naked people under sheets. A rare failure when it comes to nakedness and the internet.

      1. =P
        I can only imagine….
        “wait, you want naked people, but you don’t want to see them? WTF!”

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