Negro Guy? That derelict do-gooder had best not show his face around here, or else he’ll have to tangle with the malicious malevolent might of NotTheNegroGuy!!!!!
Baron is starting to think they are one in the same
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy says The Negro Guy ain’t that dumbass.
The Inner Asshole
The Inner Asshole mockingly points out the irony of a person, negro or otherwise, who defends his intelligence with the use of the word ‘ain’t’…. as in “That word still ain’t in any dictionary” (and ‘don’t’ count.
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy laughs with the inner asshole, finally noticing his error in word choice. The Negro Guy was to tired to remember not to be black.
Last Hussar
toO tired
I believe he was using irony – because he is, in fact, black.
If it is not in the Oxford, then it is not a real word. 😛
Actually, “ain’t” was a proper spoken English contraction about 200 years ago. The American founding fathers – Washington, Jefferson, et al. would have used “ain’t” in their daily conversations.
Actually, the word “ain’t” is both an American colloquialism and contraction. AMERICAN colloquialism, meaning the only place the word “ain’t” is correct English is in the United States of America. Everywhere else in the world it is bastardized English.
Remember, kids, it’s Care-ah-mel, not Car-mul.
The English language is a bastard with many fathers. according to your point it’d all be incorrect no matter the dialect or culture it’s spoken through. To say ain’t isn’t correct is more of a classist culture thing. The logic in it’s use follows the norm for all other contractions. And When in Rome, do as Romans do.
Ain’t is considered poor English now, but I’m really not sure why… it is a contraction of “am not”, and its derivation is “amn’t”…a word that has dropped out of existence in standard English. It was once equally as correct to say “I ain’t” for “I am not” like one would say “I’m not” for “I am not”.
Just like we would continue to say, for example “He hadn’t gotten far” OR “He’d not gotten far” for “He had not gotten far”.
Basically, we’ve decided on ‘good’ English based on how it sounds :p
Sorry but “ain’t” HAS become recognized by at least one main-stream dictionary.
World English Dictionary
ain’t (eɪnt) [Click for IPA pronunciation guide]
—contraction of
am not, is not, are not, have not, or has not: I ain’t seen it
Oh come on! She’s only been with two guys we know of! Thats what, two less than Rose. She uses sex for power. That makes her a bitch, not a whore, especially a dirty whore. Mind you, shes not sucking Arne too, just allowing him to watch. If she was a whore, she’d actualy had done the former.
Also, You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means….
Ladies, you are clearly underestimating the power of fellatio to disengage a man’s willpower.
David Macarthur
I would agree with the Elf.
No sir, Elf, I fully understand and often use the powerful fellatio to disengage the male willpower. It is quite an effective thing.
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy agrees.
Sara E.
Indeed, many women throughout history have used fellatio to not only disengage a man’s willpower, but also to make him do her bidding. Behind every great man, is a great woman…wiping off her mouth.
Seriously, talk about calm during a stressful situation! Makes me wonder if this is the first time she’s been caught and had to negotiate her way out of it…
No, Pinky had a solid point. I just edited and it should be better now.
Clearly I just need to spend more time drawing naked women.
Jaded Cynic
Never anything wrong with doing that, and now you’ve got a perfectly valid and not-perverted reason: professional practice. ^_^
Pink Freud
Nick, that comment was not aimed at your. I was referring to Jim’s use of ‘Q’s in BQQbies: pointing out that while using the tips of the “Q” as a nipple was something I have not seen before (and therefore awesome)… it was still a bit lopsided
Actually nipples are very rarely placed in the center of the breast, as a bisexual woman I know where of I speak. Mine are not in the direct center and neither are any of the other nipples that I’ve seen throughout my life.
oh sir just made my smile go ear to ear. as soon as I tuned in I seen Arne I had a smile, as the strip progressed it got longer. a pretty win update.
oh no, not Arne’s smile. As soon as I looked at the first panel and seen him my smile began to sprout, then over time as I slowly went from panel to panel my smile much like a great oak tree grew to epic proportions to the point where I could run around asking people why they where so srs.
141 thoughts on “Covenant (NSFW)”
That that is a sight for sore eyes indeed.
The Negro Guy
Meh, The Negro Guy has seen better.
TNG lives with better, but still an enjoyable view regardless
The Negro Guy
How would you know?
Because you just said you have seen better >.>
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy knew that.
As the saying goes, “Seen one pair of boobs, wanna see ’em all”.
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy says that’s not always true. You ever seen the old saggy boobs.
Still want to see them, even they now resemble high octance nightmare fuel.
Andrew K
Hooray! Best outcome ever! I was thinking for a sec that the crazy negro guy would walk in, or else the vampire. But you do not disappoint man!
Negro Guy? That derelict do-gooder had best not show his face around here, or else he’ll have to tangle with the malicious malevolent might of NotTheNegroGuy!!!!!
I believe he was referring to Purvous.
The Dark One
Baron is starting to think they are one in the same
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy says The Negro Guy ain’t that dumbass.
The Inner Asshole
The Inner Asshole mockingly points out the irony of a person, negro or otherwise, who defends his intelligence with the use of the word ‘ain’t’…. as in “That word still ain’t in any dictionary” (and ‘don’t’ count.
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy laughs with the inner asshole, finally noticing his error in word choice. The Negro Guy was to tired to remember not to be black.
Last Hussar
toO tired
I believe he was using irony – because he is, in fact, black.
The Negro Guy
Gildogg't begs to differ, with sources including Random House Dictionary and Collins English Dictionary – Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition
Jaded Cynic
Gee, did someone get tol’?
*checks flow chart*
Well, it’s got to be said:
(I guess this is just more proof that assholes are just full of shit? 😉 )
If it is not in the Oxford, then it is not a real word. 😛
Actually, “ain’t” was a proper spoken English contraction about 200 years ago. The American founding fathers – Washington, Jefferson, et al. would have used “ain’t” in their daily conversations.
Actually, the word “ain’t” is both an American colloquialism and contraction. AMERICAN colloquialism, meaning the only place the word “ain’t” is correct English is in the United States of America. Everywhere else in the world it is bastardized English.
Remember, kids, it’s Care-ah-mel, not Car-mul.
The English language is a bastard with many fathers. according to your point it’d all be incorrect no matter the dialect or culture it’s spoken through. To say ain’t isn’t correct is more of a classist culture thing. The logic in it’s use follows the norm for all other contractions. And When in Rome, do as Romans do.
Ain’t is considered poor English now, but I’m really not sure why… it is a contraction of “am not”, and its derivation is “amn’t”…a word that has dropped out of existence in standard English. It was once equally as correct to say “I ain’t” for “I am not” like one would say “I’m not” for “I am not”.
Just like we would continue to say, for example “He hadn’t gotten far” OR “He’d not gotten far” for “He had not gotten far”.
Basically, we’ve decided on ‘good’ English based on how it sounds :p
Sorry but “ain’t” HAS become recognized by at least one main-stream dictionary.
World English Dictionary
ain’t (eɪnt) [Click for IPA pronunciation guide]
—contraction of
am not, is not, are not, have not, or has not: I ain’t seen it
Collins English Dictionary – Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition
2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009
Cite This Source
So much win.
She has some excellent negotiation skills.
David Herbert
She could be the new manager with those skills.
Wonder if Miranda’s about to walk in?
Seeing as Arne has the Sudafed box in his hand, I doubt it.
Pink freud
*AND* he locked the door
I would agree there good but my first thought would be I want some too not that’s excellent.
The hell with watching if I had that blackmail opportunity.
Then again, who knows what you’d catch from that bitch.
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy agrees. That bitch needs to go down, and not in that sense.
Oh come on! She’s only been with two guys we know of! Thats what, two less than Rose. She uses sex for power. That makes her a bitch, not a whore, especially a dirty whore. Mind you, shes not sucking Arne too, just allowing him to watch. If she was a whore, she’d actualy had done the former.
Also, You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means….
Sara E.
And how does Nate feel about this proposition? Or does he have no say in the matter? (I imagine he does not)
I was just wondering exactly the same thing.
Vagabond Elf
Ladies, you are clearly underestimating the power of fellatio to disengage a man’s willpower.
David Macarthur
I would agree with the Elf.
No sir, Elf, I fully understand and often use the powerful fellatio to disengage the male willpower. It is quite an effective thing.
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy agrees.
Sara E.
Indeed, many women throughout history have used fellatio to not only disengage a man’s willpower, but also to make him do her bidding. Behind every great man, is a great woman…wiping off her mouth.
If Nate can still get it up–and finish the job–with Arne watching, then he is THE MAN! 😉 [Also, he doesn’t get fired. :D]
Jaded Cynic
Yeah, didn’t we? *high fives*
This has turned out a little better than *I* expected it to…then again Arne has NOT yet deleted/let Tracy delete the pics.
I foresee him reneging on the deal.
FIVE panels? Holy crap…
Nick Wright
It’s happened before.
Admit it…you like Tracy as much as I do. =Þ
Tracy FTW!
Seriously, talk about calm during a stressful situation! Makes me wonder if this is the first time she’s been caught and had to negotiate her way out of it…
Negotiate? No, Tracy will find a way to leverage this.
David Herbert
She probably had to deal with it after fucking that old guy.
Was that a click of the door closing after Arne left, or the click of Arne locking the door?
Nick Wright
He’s locking the door. If I wanted him to suddenly get some principles or something, I’d have shown him walking away.
Also, only Managers and the HBA clerk have the key to the HBA Room. That’s why Miranda handed off the Sudafed box to Arne.
(Note how I deftly neglected to mention that until now…)
You sir are a smooth operator.
Well ‘PLAYED’ Sir!
To which I’ll add … BQQBIES!
Pink freud
your nipples are off-center, but who am I to complain about trivialities in the face of such awesomeness
Maybe she has implants and they’re really perky…or she needed to find a better plastic surgeon.
Nick Wright
No, Pinky had a solid point. I just edited and it should be better now.
Clearly I just need to spend more time drawing naked women.
Jaded Cynic
Never anything wrong with doing that, and now you’ve got a perfectly valid and not-perverted reason: professional practice. ^_^
Pink Freud
Nick, that comment was not aimed at your. I was referring to Jim’s use of ‘Q’s in BQQbies: pointing out that while using the tips of the “Q” as a nipple was something I have not seen before (and therefore awesome)… it was still a bit lopsided
Nick Wright
Ha! Ah well, no harm done.
Actually nipples are very rarely placed in the center of the breast, as a bisexual woman I know where of I speak. Mine are not in the direct center and neither are any of the other nipples that I’ve seen throughout my life.
So we get the 3sum and then pervus walks in.
Well played sir! Well played indeed!
dem nips
Better name than yours
oh sir just made my smile go ear to ear. as soon as I tuned in I seen Arne I had a smile, as the strip progressed it got longer. a pretty win update.
You saw Arne’s smile first?
Damn, my eyes went straight to the breasts before my brain even engaged.
Better name than yours
oh no, not Arne’s smile. As soon as I looked at the first panel and seen him my smile began to sprout, then over time as I slowly went from panel to panel my smile much like a great oak tree grew to epic proportions to the point where I could run around asking people why they where so srs.
Wow, was not what I was expecting. Awsome twist. I love this comic and eagerly wait for each new page.
For a skank, Tracy has some nice tits. *wolf whistles*
Define “skank”. We’ve only had proof that she’s had sex with two guys (Nate and Richard, former Store Manager.)
She knows what she wants and she goes after it. Nothing wrong with that.