No one who claims first around here ever ends up being first. It’s like my commenting system has a moral opposition to the Firsters. Or maybe it just likes The Negro Guy.
The Negro Guy
All things white, including racists, like The Negro Guy!!! It’s a blessing and a curse.
but i was so close…NEW LIFE GOAL OBTAINED! i am going to say first every update until i am first
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy says good luck with that.
thank you kind sir.
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy says welcome. Sir.
i wish that one day i can be as true a gentleman as you The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy says it’s not that hard. Just gotta use common sense.
i know im not being serious. i am quite a gent.
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy says good man. being a gentleman gives you great points toward get your girl. Remember, knowing is half the battle! lol
yeah. i honestly cant understand people who think acting like a prick will get them a girl
The Negro Guy
That never made sense to me either. And what’s worse is that hardly any of the girls pay attention to the nice guy.
i swear this is the reason i dont have a girlfriend right now =/ but hey what can i do.
The Negro Guy
Don’t worry man. The Negro Guy says the right one will come around. Just gotta let things happen. Can’t force life.
i know man. im in no hurry i know things always work out in the end. lets me focus on school and work more anyway
J Thomas
“yeah. i honestly cant understand people who think acting like a prick will get them a girl”
It’s because sometimes it does.
Women are weird, and they make men weird too.
The reason that the nice guy rarely gets the girl is because assholes are confident and self assured. Women don’t really like assholes they just like a man who is confident and controlled.
Now if the nice guys could figure out how to show that they are confident and controlled they would get as many if not more women then the assholes.
Girls like the assholes. Women do choose the nice guy. Nice women do. I did.
And as offputting as it is to hear the guy you like say that he’s been banging someone else, I’m definitely the kind of woman who would say “Okay. Is this something you want to keep doing? We aren’t together yet, but if you want to be, a choice has to happen now.” And because he put it out there right away, I’d be more inclined to take him at his word if he said he wanted to be with me.
Yeah, I actually chose a nice guy too. Been with him 20 years now.
The Negro Guy says we have to remember that he’s not thinking clearly. The Negro Guy asks would you be thinking clearly after getting your dick sucked?
213 thoughts on “Air”
The Negro Guy
you forgot the 3rd person.
Ed Casey
That’s how “wow…just…wow!!!” it is. Nate sacking up and admitting it overpowered even The Negro Guy.
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy says being the voice of reason sucks sometimes.
So do Tracy….
Voice of reason? You’re the most annoying and boring voice ever. o.O My voice of reason can tell jokes!
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy is not going to challenge you over something as petty as giving advice.
I love you, Negro Guy. I wanna be your bro.
The Negro Guy
…The Negro Guy says sure, just never tell him you love him ever again. Unless you mean it. lol
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy beat you to it! haha
The Negro Guy makes me cry.
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy would offer you a hug, but The Negro Guy kinda has wood right now, and it would just get really awkward.
that would be awkward….wait people admitting their affairs gives you wood? or is it the tears?
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy says neither. The Negro Guy is just thinking about how he’s gonna get laid tomorrow!!!
amen to that
The Negro Guy
I’m being serious here. I’ma get laid!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!
good for you man!
Ghost says The Negro Guy forgot to use third person again.
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy doesn’t have to use third person when talking about getting laid.
Ghost says fair enough
While getting laid, sometimes it’s fun to be in the third person.
That One Mexican
TOM thinks that the reason The Negro Guy forgot to use 3rd person was becuase the blood was rushing to his head anddraining from his brain.
First and FOREMOST – DON’T admit to having sex with Tracy! (Got a hunch it’ll reall screw up your odds!)
The Dark One
Better to admit it than for that bitch to get vengeful and use it against you
Nick Wright
No one who claims first around here ever ends up being first. It’s like my commenting system has a moral opposition to the Firsters. Or maybe it just likes The Negro Guy.
The Negro Guy
All things white, including racists, like The Negro Guy!!! It’s a blessing and a curse.
but i was so close…NEW LIFE GOAL OBTAINED! i am going to say first every update until i am first
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy says good luck with that.
thank you kind sir.
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy says welcome. Sir.
i wish that one day i can be as true a gentleman as you The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy says it’s not that hard. Just gotta use common sense.
i know im not being serious. i am quite a gent.
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy says good man. being a gentleman gives you great points toward get your girl. Remember, knowing is half the battle! lol
yeah. i honestly cant understand people who think acting like a prick will get them a girl
The Negro Guy
That never made sense to me either. And what’s worse is that hardly any of the girls pay attention to the nice guy.
i swear this is the reason i dont have a girlfriend right now =/ but hey what can i do.
The Negro Guy
Don’t worry man. The Negro Guy says the right one will come around. Just gotta let things happen. Can’t force life.
i know man. im in no hurry i know things always work out in the end. lets me focus on school and work more anyway
J Thomas
“yeah. i honestly cant understand people who think acting like a prick will get them a girl”
It’s because sometimes it does.
Women are weird, and they make men weird too.
The reason that the nice guy rarely gets the girl is because assholes are confident and self assured. Women don’t really like assholes they just like a man who is confident and controlled.
Now if the nice guys could figure out how to show that they are confident and controlled they would get as many if not more women then the assholes.
Girls like the assholes. Women do choose the nice guy. Nice women do. I did.
And as offputting as it is to hear the guy you like say that he’s been banging someone else, I’m definitely the kind of woman who would say “Okay. Is this something you want to keep doing? We aren’t together yet, but if you want to be, a choice has to happen now.” And because he put it out there right away, I’d be more inclined to take him at his word if he said he wanted to be with me.
Yeah, I actually chose a nice guy too. Been with him 20 years now.
He who would be first, shall be LAST!
Why.. lol
David Herbert
Will honesty end up being the best policy?
The Negro Guy
Let’s hope so.
David Herbert
Maybe he’ll get pity sex for sticking it in that cooch.
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy says you do remember she’s a girl right? That and she’s not the Tracy brand of whore.
Not to mention, would a decent girl really want to bang someone who let Tracy lead them around by their man leash?
One Manic Ninja
why? WHY??!?!
The Negro Guy
Because Nate did battle with the oral orifice known as Tracy’s mouth and lost. The
Negro Guy thought that was obvious.
That One Mexican
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy says you forgot the word “say” and you misspelled damn.
That One Mexican
TOM says thats how fucked up Nate is that TOM lost track of what he was saying…. And TOMs enlish isnt that good so that explains the miss spell
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy sees Miranda as the clingy type.
Me thinks you like to comment.
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy says obvious man saves the day!!!
Day-saving is fun.
Tyler (Lord Omikron)
I like somewhat clingy girls, if they are clingy, you know they wont leave you, and if you’re happy with them, that makes it better
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy’s girl is a little clingy and even she doesn’t know it.
That One Mexican
TOM’s girl isnt clingy at all, shes very independent but loves when This One Mexican holds her close.
Shave your head, Nate…I’m banishing you to the monastery. >_<
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy says even the high monk would beat him up for saying something like that.
The monk would have to be high to beat him up for saying that. It needed saying.
And now, the consequences of honesty, as displayed in a life lesson by our good author. Let’s root for the good guys, whomever they are!
Nate is a major idiot. -.-‘
Sex hypocrite fits him well…..
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy says we have to remember that he’s not thinking clearly. The Negro Guy asks would you be thinking clearly after getting your dick sucked?
I’m guessing that having Arne watch didn’t help any either.
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy says exactly. Nate was probably thinking that Arne would pull him out too. Great friend Arne is.
IF Nate neeed Arne to pull him out, Nate’s in the wrong business. Tracy too for that matter.
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy says anyone could have done it. Doesn’t matter.