My family swears by Menudo soup as a hangover cure
Pink Freud
No Way! as someone who lived through the ’80’s, I have to tell you Menudo is the CAUSE of hangovers, not the cure
Boomer Gonzales
Hell naw!! The menudo in the morning is the best reason for Saturday Night Shitface.
That may or may not be counterproductive though. ^_^;;
Pink Freud
Are we talking about the same band here?
Boomer Gonzales
I thought we were talking teh food and shtuff.
You know, hominy, pig feet, pork tripe, twenty herbs and spices, and a handful of str8 capsaicin.
lots of water and 2 aspirin before hand to prevent it
Aspirin is a BAD idea. Take any other pain reliever than Aspirin.
Aspirin blocks enzymes that break down the byproducts of alcohol that cause hangovers. It’ll prolong the hangover! Take Tylenol, take Aleve, take any other pain reliever you can think of, but don’t take Aspirin (not even a generic brand).
…the water’s really good advice though. Alcohol dehydrates.
Yes–“wake up, baby, my wife will be home any minute”.
Boomer Gonzales
Had a work buddy that happened to, guy came in for closing tore up from the floor up…lliterally. The convo went like this…
Me: Damn dude, what frat house used you for a speed bump?
Buddy: Man, just let it go today. I need a cover.
Me:No prob. Was it more than one?
Buddy: Yeah, just drop it.
Me: After work, name names and the crew will handle those guys. No sweat.
Buddy: Can’t.
Me: What do you mean can’t? We’re family in this place.
Buddy: No, not that. It’s because they weren’t guys?
Me: ………Huh?
Buddy: I got my ass stomped by my wife.
Me: What? How? She’s barely five foot nothin and can hula hoop with a Cherrio…maybe.
Buddy: AND the two college chicks she caught me in bed with.
Me: …Sorry brudda, but you cover yourself this time. You had that shit comin’.
well, I can tell you how to prevent one. Stay awake at least 1 hour after your last drink, and drink at least a cup of water. It will allow your body to remove the alcohol at a normal rate, so when you go to sleep, it won’t be there in the morning. The most important thing you can do while drinking is stay hydrated. Alcohol maybe water soluble, but if there is no more water to dissolve it in, then you start to run into problems.
Correct answer! Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Drink plenty of water, or at least something non-alcoholic, along with the booze. Once I finally figured that out, it’s been many years since I had more than the mildest of hangovers.
Coffee with a dash of Tabasco. It won’t actually do much for the hangover, but it will distract you a little.
I’m not sure what’s more exciting the thought of what Nate is going to tell Tracy (or more how he’s going to) or the idea of Nate and Rose getting back on speaking terms.
And as the marijuana burns, we can take our turns singing them dirty rap songs. Stop and hit the bong like Cheech and Chong and sell tapes from here to Hong Kong.
I initially read “snake” too, but I didn’t think “sex joke” I was just kind of confused as to what snakes had to do with booze.
Then I reread it, and was like “ooh”.
I have to say, I found Treading Ground way back in 2005/2006. I kept up with it decently frequently, until the updates stopped coming.
I know life and all of that can get in the way, so I figured I would keep checking back every once in a while, but after a couple of years, nothing new happened, so I pretty much left.
About a week ago, a friend of mine mentioned your comic as one they read near religiously, so I checked back and I must say this:
Welcome back and kudos to your hard work. I’m definitely impressed and loving the story. Glad to see you back.
Gotta say, I was the same way. Except without the friend. I noticed your banner on the side of a site I was reading. The art style looked different, so I kind of glossed over it a little. Have to say, it was the shade of red in Rose’s hair that caught my eye. I read through the updates in ONE SITTING.
Welcome back, Nick. May Purvous sing of your trials and tribulations!
Good advice in general, but I don’t think I can keep this one in the can. Instead of “summit” and “rainbow coalition” it would have been “threesome” and “interracial gangbang”.
ahh, it seems I have been outmatched. I had no idea how you would have worked in a sex joke. Its funny either way, but you were right about picking the poetic version. I know Rose maybe sexually adventurous and was brought up by a whore, but it just doesn’t sound like something she would say.
Just read through all 206 of your entries, was a good 2 1/2 hour read.
I came here through a banner ad after reading the latest The Punchline Is Machismo comic, and I’m glad I did. Solid story, and after watching your art style progress, you’re another fine example of a blog that Coalesquid (the previously mentioned webcomic’s creator) made about how an artist needs to change his style to avoid staleness. Or something. I need to rummage out a quote on that. Until then, it’s ‘citation needed’ material.
Anyways, looks like I’ve found yet another webcomic to add to my Google Reader RSS feed.
Well done!
P.S. If you ever get to the point where you think you can’t progress the story any further or apply more character development, put in a happy ending and convert this whole thing into a graphic novel (or even a Garfield style book sincethe story isn’t always totally linear).
I’m definitely planning on putting together a book after TG ends its run, even though I’m going to be kicking myself for flirting with that full page format early on.
Well, emphasis was necessary. Also, directing traffic from a sub forum known as ladies men (A place where people help each other out on relationship issues.. It’s actually a ‘cult’ since it’s a forum created by members) on (freeskiing website) since I thought the two were pretty related.
The original Treading Ground comics were created between 2003 and 2011. As such, you'll find some unfortunate hallmarks of raunchy comedies of the time. These include casual misogyny, dubious sexual situations, insensitive edgelord humor and a character using the r-slur.
While these are not typically portrayed as positive, it's definitely not how I would write the comic today, and you should know that going in. That said, there's still a lot of good stuff here.
There's also some nudity. Consider the whole comic NSFW!
51 thoughts on “Inclusion”
Nicely done.
Well I’ll be. First again. Now how did that happen?
The rest of us were busy drinking with Rose’s mom.
Know any good hangover cures?
David Herbert
Smoke detectors going off.
Warning: I may or may not be a sadistic bastard.
My family swears by Menudo soup as a hangover cure
Pink Freud
No Way! as someone who lived through the ’80’s, I have to tell you Menudo is the CAUSE of hangovers, not the cure
Boomer Gonzales
Hell naw!! The menudo in the morning is the best reason for Saturday Night Shitface.
That may or may not be counterproductive though. ^_^;;
Pink Freud
Are we talking about the same band here?
Boomer Gonzales
I thought we were talking teh food and shtuff.
You know, hominy, pig feet, pork tripe, twenty herbs and spices, and a handful of str8 capsaicin.
lots of water and 2 aspirin before hand to prevent it
Aspirin is a BAD idea. Take any other pain reliever than Aspirin.
Aspirin blocks enzymes that break down the byproducts of alcohol that cause hangovers. It’ll prolong the hangover! Take Tylenol, take Aleve, take any other pain reliever you can think of, but don’t take Aspirin (not even a generic brand).
…the water’s really good advice though. Alcohol dehydrates.
Yes–“wake up, baby, my wife will be home any minute”.
Boomer Gonzales
Had a work buddy that happened to, guy came in for closing tore up from the floor up…lliterally. The convo went like this…
Me: Damn dude, what frat house used you for a speed bump?
Buddy: Man, just let it go today. I need a cover.
Me:No prob. Was it more than one?
Buddy: Yeah, just drop it.
Me: After work, name names and the crew will handle those guys. No sweat.
Buddy: Can’t.
Me: What do you mean can’t? We’re family in this place.
Buddy: No, not that. It’s because they weren’t guys?
Me: ………Huh?
Buddy: I got my ass stomped by my wife.
Me: What? How? She’s barely five foot nothin and can hula hoop with a Cherrio…maybe.
Buddy: AND the two college chicks she caught me in bed with.
Me: …Sorry brudda, but you cover yourself this time. You had that shit comin’.
well, I can tell you how to prevent one. Stay awake at least 1 hour after your last drink, and drink at least a cup of water. It will allow your body to remove the alcohol at a normal rate, so when you go to sleep, it won’t be there in the morning. The most important thing you can do while drinking is stay hydrated. Alcohol maybe water soluble, but if there is no more water to dissolve it in, then you start to run into problems.
Correct answer! Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Drink plenty of water, or at least something non-alcoholic, along with the booze. Once I finally figured that out, it’s been many years since I had more than the mildest of hangovers.
Coffee with a dash of Tabasco. It won’t actually do much for the hangover, but it will distract you a little.
Drew Linky
Looks like someone’s stopping at Hangover Canyon in the morning.
Sniped first from me. Stupid blackberry
David Herbert
It is the party of the century, you’ve got a vampire!
Ah, the Shitfaced Rainbow Coalition. I was a member for a while, but we could never quite get anything done.
Eh, we need some plot development sometimes.
I’m not sure what’s more exciting the thought of what Nate is going to tell Tracy (or more how he’s going to) or the idea of Nate and Rose getting back on speaking terms.
Dr. wonderful
There is going to be some shit net week.
You’ll see, he show you.
I didn’t know shit had an appetite! LOL
That was an amazing analogy. lol
Hail to the King
Colt 45 and two Zigzags, baby that’s all we need. we can to the park after dark, and smoke that tumbleweed.
And as the marijuana burns, we can take our turns singing them dirty rap songs. Stop and hit the bong like Cheech and Chong and sell tapes from here to Hong Kong.
Rob Lopez
At first I read “snake” instead of “sake” and thought it was a sex joke.
Sara E.
I initially read “snake” too, but I didn’t think “sex joke” I was just kind of confused as to what snakes had to do with booze.
Then I reread it, and was like “ooh”.
Much laughter was generated from panel 3. XD
Greenwood Goat
Of course, there is something that could penetrate Beth’s hangover.
Beth: (thinks) Daughters… off to party… and.. party = (arises zombie-like, arms outstretched) Boooze!
Beth: Boooze!
Nina: Shit, she’s found us!
Rose: Vodka shots! Aim for the head!
Wow…just wow…
I have to say, I found Treading Ground way back in 2005/2006. I kept up with it decently frequently, until the updates stopped coming.
I know life and all of that can get in the way, so I figured I would keep checking back every once in a while, but after a couple of years, nothing new happened, so I pretty much left.
About a week ago, a friend of mine mentioned your comic as one they read near religiously, so I checked back and I must say this:
Welcome back and kudos to your hard work. I’m definitely impressed and loving the story. Glad to see you back.
Nick Wright
Welcome back, Eric! I really appreciate the kind words, and I’m glad you’re enjoying what I’ve come up with since your last visit.
Gotta say, I was the same way. Except without the friend. I noticed your banner on the side of a site I was reading. The art style looked different, so I kind of glossed over it a little. Have to say, it was the shade of red in Rose’s hair that caught my eye. I read through the updates in ONE SITTING.
Welcome back, Nick. May Purvous sing of your trials and tribulations!
Picturing Rose and Nina’s mom stomping over horizon like Godzilla.
Boomer Gonzales
My recommendation?
Pocket the sex joke and bring it in for a zinger at a later time. The ‘Rainbow Coalition of Shitface’ line was pure magic and solid gold.
Please pardon me as I mentally pocket it away for future use.
Nick Wright
Good advice in general, but I don’t think I can keep this one in the can. Instead of “summit” and “rainbow coalition” it would have been “threesome” and “interracial gangbang”.
I went with the more poetic version.
ahh, it seems I have been outmatched. I had no idea how you would have worked in a sex joke. Its funny either way, but you were right about picking the poetic version. I know Rose maybe sexually adventurous and was brought up by a whore, but it just doesn’t sound like something she would say.
Nick Wright
Rose would say “threesome”. The “interracial gangbang” line was Jimi’s.
yea, i know, it just doesn’t sound right.
Rose is seriously overdressed at this party, amirite?
Ha! Loved the punchline on this one!
It’s official. Best damn web comic tag line of 2011! That was outstanding.
Just read through all 206 of your entries, was a good 2 1/2 hour read.
I came here through a banner ad after reading the latest The Punchline Is Machismo comic, and I’m glad I did. Solid story, and after watching your art style progress, you’re another fine example of a blog that Coalesquid (the previously mentioned webcomic’s creator) made about how an artist needs to change his style to avoid staleness. Or something. I need to rummage out a quote on that. Until then, it’s ‘citation needed’ material.
Anyways, looks like I’ve found yet another webcomic to add to my Google Reader RSS feed.
Well done!
P.S. If you ever get to the point where you think you can’t progress the story any further or apply more character development, put in a happy ending and convert this whole thing into a graphic novel (or even a Garfield style book sincethe story isn’t always totally linear).
Nick Wright
Hey Andrew! Glad you enjoyed it, and welcome!
I’m definitely planning on putting together a book after TG ends its run, even though I’m going to be kicking myself for flirting with that full page format early on.
I dunno if I made it clear, but this is an awesome comic.
….is what the well done meant.
Nick Wright
I thought it was pretty clear. 🙂
Well, emphasis was necessary. Also, directing traffic from a sub forum known as ladies men (A place where people help each other out on relationship issues.. It’s actually a ‘cult’ since it’s a forum created by members) on (freeskiing website) since I thought the two were pretty related.
So yeah, you’re welcome!
“Taste the Rainbow, Feel the Rainbow (the morning after)”
Jimmy gets the best lines!
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Content Advisory
The original Treading Ground comics were created between 2003 and 2011. As such, you'll find some unfortunate hallmarks of raunchy comedies of the time. These include casual misogyny, dubious sexual situations, insensitive edgelord humor and a character using the r-slur.
While these are not typically portrayed as positive, it's definitely not how I would write the comic today, and you should know that going in. That said, there's still a lot of good stuff here.
There's also some nudity. Consider the whole comic NSFW!
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