oh shove it, being a fucking moron and responding “FIRST” is nothing to be proud of. Making a single word post that adds NOTHING to the conversation is akin to running into a room and yelling FIRST as well.
Yeah you did it, and you probably are even ‘first’ however just like in the room of real people AND online, you look like a fucking moron to the majority of people that see it, hear it, or read it.
God, I love how stupid the net is becoming these last decades, even better we have people defending these poor fucking morons instead of mocking the fuck out of them.
So… you gettin’ off that soapbox anytime soon? A lot of people really need that soap.
Oh snap! … That is all…
I’m going to conclude that by the smell you are radiating is not in fact minty but one of a 30,000lbs fat man’s ass.
Yes, ChaosAnarchy, please get off the soap box so Minty can use some soap.
Dun dun dunn
I would like to point out that there was no conversation to contribute to until people started making fun of him for his reply. You’ll notice that he is not the only one to make a first comment, nor are you the first to despise him for it. Honestly, the only conversation here is a mix of profanities and insults towards each of the posters. I don’t really understand why people like you feel they need to ride their high horse into a conversation and tear everything down like a deranged internet Napoleon. I mean, what do you accomplish by coming into a conversation and saying how stupid some one is for having a little fun? A truly sad existence if you ask me, though no one did.
Didn’t we have this little tiff like 12 comics back? Yes, if your just here to put first then it is kinda sad. But some of us don’t really mind the ‘first’ game. In fact, the only time a big blow out happens is when people ( like Wow and ChaosAnarchy) get a bit high and mighty with themselves. Really all you have to do is say good job or not comment at all and then the first comment just becomes a comment. But you can’t do that. You (people like ChaosAnarchy and Lolotov) have to troll around so you can act better cuz you call out people on the internet; not for making rude comments or saying that they like to do things to underage kittens, for saying first! Really, who are you? Do you read the comic or just like being a troll? Why not let someone have a BIT of joy? Could you do that?
This was on of the longest winded arguments I’ve seen here for a while… and it was over someone saying “first”
I don’t know know about the rest of you but i find this hilarious.
What is sad ( and a bit funny) is that this happens like almost every time. And that last time the soap boxers got on whine fest the comments were about this long. Really, just read the comic, and if you are first and want to comment on it fine. If you want to talk about the comic fine. If you want to whine cuz someone put first, just don’t.
Hilarious, but also timesome.
Don’t feed the trolls, whether you consider the “first” poster the troll or those who get bent out of shape about it the trolls. Me, I think they are all pointless.
Does anyone have anything to say about the comic?
I do! I’m glad they are going to give it another go.
I mean, I know the first comments are annoying, but that was over the top.
Arguing on the internet is like winning the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you’re still a fucking retard.
“Learning Disabled”.
“God, I love how stupid the net is becoming these last decades…”
The commercial internet of today has really only been around since about 1990 and it didn’t see widespread use until the mid 90s. Therefore you’re claiming that the internet has been “becoming stupid” since it’s inception 20 years ago. Either the internet has a half-life similar to that of niobium93-in which case the internet will have completely vanished by 2030-or…you could take the dick out of your ass and calm the fuck down bro.
It’s times like these I wish we could like comments.
When will the fucking first bashers be controlled? Why is the Responses section just filled with the pointless, vapid posts of people who have nothing better to do than bash on the people who manage to post their single word at the start of the Responses? Can nothing be done to control these losers from ruining the forum?
yeah….. and mocking accomplishes what? if we wanna play the first comment game there is absolutely no harm. did you break a bone over it? did a family die cause first was posted?
Holy god damn, I was checking comics at just before midnight and thought it would be fun to snipe the first, didn’t think I’d get this much of a response from typing the word first twice. Sip haterade more?
I’m not going to rage, but this is basically how I see it.
TreadingGrounds is a mature comic, considering it’s NSFW and all, and somewhat as an unwritten rule it’s expected that in something mature, the people who watch/read/participate are going to be mature.
The problem most people face with the ‘FIRST!’ posts is that in a single word and action, it brings mass immaturity to the comment thread, which has become increasingly popular, if so as much as the comic itself.
People aren’t getting pissed because you’re posting that you’re first, it’s that people are getting angry that so much effort is being put into such a nonsensical thing with absolutely nothing prevalent added to the actual story in which the comments thread was created for originally. Yes, as a matter of fact the “Comments” section is for comments about the page/story, not just a place to show off someone’s “FIRST!” e-peen powers.
You thought it would be fun to snipe the ‘FIRST’ comment, which I imagine for some it is. But I would also imagine you’ve seen the backlash some of the other ‘FIRST!” posts got, and it probably should have come as no big surprise that when the story is coming to a major point, the LAST thing people want to see smack dab in their faces in the comments section(which is used to discuss the story thus far) is a “FIRST!” page.
I know on many places I go where review/comment threads are hosted, that ‘FIRST!” posts actually give you negative marks and with enough, disable your posting abilities until reviews/comments have begun. Part of me wants TG to have this as well, but I wouldn’t ask Nick to do something like that, as the coding for it must be just tedious as fuck.
TL;DR? TreadingGrounds is getting to a serious point, the comments section was made for people to discuss THE COMIC, not to have a race to see who can CTRL+V their pre-typed ‘first’ into the page. Posting FIRST! to promote your ePeen is just proving you’re not old enough to read this comic, and people are getting sick of it and are finally saying something. You will get flamed, and you will get flamed hard by those who want to see a descent level of maturity on these comment boards. Also note: Flaming is not immature if it’s flaming someone doing something stupid… you ever heard the phrase, “Trial by fire?”
Sorry Jeri, but your comments don’t hold water. Nick has commented on the First game (it is a game. Just cuz you want to stand in the corner and choose not to play don’t make it a bad thing) and said that it is fine. If you would read the other comment pages you would have known that. Get over yourself. Yes, this is a mature comic, but when you start whining (yes, all you soap boxer are whining IMHO) you make yourself look like the children. Please, for the comics and people who enjoy it, just stop.
Actually I intended it to read this way. When she says “the circumstances” she means “the circumstances of the situation”. Saying “that circumstances” would have made the other “that” at the end of the sentence look clumsy.
Any guy who can play that game or listen to that song and still feel secure about their masculinity is a real man. If they feel threatened by it or say that it’s gay, they aren’t.
Any guy that listens to that song and/or plays that game is douche bag loser and needs a good ass kicking.
That just proves you aren’t secure in your own masculinity and need to blow shit up to try to convince people otherwise. A real man can wear a pink shirt without worrying that they’ll look gay. A real man can hug another man and cry without caring if they look gay while doing so. And they can certainly play a game with a robot unicorn that shoots rainbows out of his ass when he jumps that has a song by Erasure in the background without giving a shit what you think.
You, sir, are a real man. Congratulations. There are many that can learn from you.
I <3 That song. It does help that for some reason it seems to be like an audible female viagra for my girlfriend though. 🙂
Also not to totally detract, but have any of you played the heavy metal version….that is also a good song.
Good song. I can say that and I’m admittedly not even secure in my masculinity. XD
ehh.. I’m not too fond of it, not because of the song but for whatever reason that version is a lot more buggy and lags quite often… still not entirely sure if its meant to be that way or not…
I like both of them. I generally spend half my RUA time on the original one and the other half on the Heavy Metal one. But somehow the original is just slighty more epic.
At first I thought, that it’s new Deathmøle/Jeph Jacques song (with most unicorn-named songs like: Unicorn Battle, The Pyrrhic Victory of The Unicorn Prince, Unicorn Battle Tactics, With Flowing Manes They Charge,… it’s not hard to imagine), but hey, this is game is pure awesomeness!
I like the heavy metal version a little bit more – mainly because the Blind Guardian (my all-time favorite band) theme song – but both versions are damn good. Although I think Deathmøle’s Unicorn Battle would be even more epic for heavy metal version :~)
115 thoughts on “Second Wind”
That is a truly, truly sad claim to fame. Seriously.
The Most Interesting Man in the World
You know what else is sad? The fact that people still pay too much for car insurance.
Stay thirsty my friends.
Congratulations, is your life complete now, you poor fuck?
crap i knew i was gonna miss it. good job man. and dont listen to the sorry fucks who can only feel good by tearing you down. their just jealous.
Well played Steve, well played.
Don’t forget the lack of Capitalization, punctuation, and that “dont” is spelled “Don’t”
if you kno what im saying thn the lack of letters and or punctuation is unimportant. the internet doesnt need to be 100% correct.
My eyes! The goggles do nothing!
oh shove it, being a fucking moron and responding “FIRST” is nothing to be proud of. Making a single word post that adds NOTHING to the conversation is akin to running into a room and yelling FIRST as well.
Yeah you did it, and you probably are even ‘first’ however just like in the room of real people AND online, you look like a fucking moron to the majority of people that see it, hear it, or read it.
God, I love how stupid the net is becoming these last decades, even better we have people defending these poor fucking morons instead of mocking the fuck out of them.
So… you gettin’ off that soapbox anytime soon? A lot of people really need that soap.
Oh snap! … That is all…
I’m going to conclude that by the smell you are radiating is not in fact minty but one of a 30,000lbs fat man’s ass.
Yes, ChaosAnarchy, please get off the soap box so Minty can use some soap.
Dun dun dunn
I would like to point out that there was no conversation to contribute to until people started making fun of him for his reply. You’ll notice that he is not the only one to make a first comment, nor are you the first to despise him for it. Honestly, the only conversation here is a mix of profanities and insults towards each of the posters. I don’t really understand why people like you feel they need to ride their high horse into a conversation and tear everything down like a deranged internet Napoleon. I mean, what do you accomplish by coming into a conversation and saying how stupid some one is for having a little fun? A truly sad existence if you ask me, though no one did.
Didn’t we have this little tiff like 12 comics back? Yes, if your just here to put first then it is kinda sad. But some of us don’t really mind the ‘first’ game. In fact, the only time a big blow out happens is when people ( like Wow and ChaosAnarchy) get a bit high and mighty with themselves. Really all you have to do is say good job or not comment at all and then the first comment just becomes a comment. But you can’t do that. You (people like ChaosAnarchy and Lolotov) have to troll around so you can act better cuz you call out people on the internet; not for making rude comments or saying that they like to do things to underage kittens, for saying first! Really, who are you? Do you read the comic or just like being a troll? Why not let someone have a BIT of joy? Could you do that?
This was on of the longest winded arguments I’ve seen here for a while… and it was over someone saying “first”
I don’t know know about the rest of you but i find this hilarious.
What is sad ( and a bit funny) is that this happens like almost every time. And that last time the soap boxers got on whine fest the comments were about this long. Really, just read the comic, and if you are first and want to comment on it fine. If you want to talk about the comic fine. If you want to whine cuz someone put first, just don’t.
Hilarious, but also timesome.
Don’t feed the trolls, whether you consider the “first” poster the troll or those who get bent out of shape about it the trolls. Me, I think they are all pointless.
Does anyone have anything to say about the comic?
I do! I’m glad they are going to give it another go.
I mean, I know the first comments are annoying, but that was over the top.
Arguing on the internet is like winning the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you’re still a fucking retard.
“Learning Disabled”.
“God, I love how stupid the net is becoming these last decades…”
The commercial internet of today has really only been around since about 1990 and it didn’t see widespread use until the mid 90s. Therefore you’re claiming that the internet has been “becoming stupid” since it’s inception 20 years ago. Either the internet has a half-life similar to that of niobium93-in which case the internet will have completely vanished by 2030-or…you could take the dick out of your ass and calm the fuck down bro.
It’s times like these I wish we could like comments.
When will the fucking first bashers be controlled? Why is the Responses section just filled with the pointless, vapid posts of people who have nothing better to do than bash on the people who manage to post their single word at the start of the Responses? Can nothing be done to control these losers from ruining the forum?
yeah….. and mocking accomplishes what? if we wanna play the first comment game there is absolutely no harm. did you break a bone over it? did a family die cause first was posted?
Congrats, you ruined a nice page, go back to your rock, normally, I don’t mind people posting “First” but this was a good page
Finally a damn comment about the page. I say they should go for it.
now to the rest of you just ignore the first stuff it was to get you guys to comment.
now have a nice life or get a new one!
Holy god damn, I was checking comics at just before midnight and thought it would be fun to snipe the first, didn’t think I’d get this much of a response from typing the word first twice. Sip haterade more?
Needs more weed,
I’m not going to rage, but this is basically how I see it.
TreadingGrounds is a mature comic, considering it’s NSFW and all, and somewhat as an unwritten rule it’s expected that in something mature, the people who watch/read/participate are going to be mature.
The problem most people face with the ‘FIRST!’ posts is that in a single word and action, it brings mass immaturity to the comment thread, which has become increasingly popular, if so as much as the comic itself.
People aren’t getting pissed because you’re posting that you’re first, it’s that people are getting angry that so much effort is being put into such a nonsensical thing with absolutely nothing prevalent added to the actual story in which the comments thread was created for originally. Yes, as a matter of fact the “Comments” section is for comments about the page/story, not just a place to show off someone’s “FIRST!” e-peen powers.
You thought it would be fun to snipe the ‘FIRST’ comment, which I imagine for some it is. But I would also imagine you’ve seen the backlash some of the other ‘FIRST!” posts got, and it probably should have come as no big surprise that when the story is coming to a major point, the LAST thing people want to see smack dab in their faces in the comments section(which is used to discuss the story thus far) is a “FIRST!” page.
I know on many places I go where review/comment threads are hosted, that ‘FIRST!” posts actually give you negative marks and with enough, disable your posting abilities until reviews/comments have begun. Part of me wants TG to have this as well, but I wouldn’t ask Nick to do something like that, as the coding for it must be just tedious as fuck.
TL;DR? TreadingGrounds is getting to a serious point, the comments section was made for people to discuss THE COMIC, not to have a race to see who can CTRL+V their pre-typed ‘first’ into the page. Posting FIRST! to promote your ePeen is just proving you’re not old enough to read this comic, and people are getting sick of it and are finally saying something. You will get flamed, and you will get flamed hard by those who want to see a descent level of maturity on these comment boards. Also note: Flaming is not immature if it’s flaming someone doing something stupid… you ever heard the phrase, “Trial by fire?”
Sorry Jeri, but your comments don’t hold water. Nick has commented on the First game (it is a game. Just cuz you want to stand in the corner and choose not to play don’t make it a bad thing) and said that it is fine. If you would read the other comment pages you would have known that. Get over yourself. Yes, this is a mature comic, but when you start whining (yes, all you soap boxer are whining IMHO) you make yourself look like the children. Please, for the comics and people who enjoy it, just stop.
This shit is so stupid it took up half a page. Everyone just shut the fuck up.
Six screens now. This may be why moderation was invented.
Almost! lol
Loving this comic
Are they thinking of getting back together? Wonder where this is gonna go…
David Herbert
Maybe they’ll just fuck and see what that’s like.
I don’t want to jump to conclusions but probably a bedroom.
I’m going to laugh, and be a little not-surprised if she says no.
John Madden
Megatron likes where this is going.
Tap dat ass! Do as I command!
Same Ol' Bob
I’m curious, now that they’re reconciling, is this coming to an end soon or does the show go on for quite some time?
A Random Dewd
Opus the Poet
The road goes on forever and the party never ends…
Some signs in the author’s comments lately lead me to believe so 🙁 It’s a great comic.
Awesome 🙂
I’ll be damned — it looks like they’re actually turning a corner here. Will wonders never cease?
One nitpick: third panel should read “that circumstances”, not “the circumstances”.
Heh heh, not a fart joke…
Nick Wright
Actually I intended it to read this way. When she says “the circumstances” she means “the circumstances of the situation”. Saying “that circumstances” would have made the other “that” at the end of the sentence look clumsy.
*sings* Always, I wanna be with you
Make believe with you
And live in harmony
Oh, love
Yeah… I may have been playing too much Robot Unicorn Attack in the last couple of days. End of semester celebration FTW!!!
I have that song.
Any guy who can play that game or listen to that song and still feel secure about their masculinity is a real man. If they feel threatened by it or say that it’s gay, they aren’t.
Any guy that listens to that song and/or plays that game is douche bag loser and needs a good ass kicking.
Tell us how you REALLY feel!
That just proves you aren’t secure in your own masculinity and need to blow shit up to try to convince people otherwise. A real man can wear a pink shirt without worrying that they’ll look gay. A real man can hug another man and cry without caring if they look gay while doing so. And they can certainly play a game with a robot unicorn that shoots rainbows out of his ass when he jumps that has a song by Erasure in the background without giving a shit what you think.
You are my new hero
I swear to raptor jesus
Personally I just don’t like pink shirts.
Fair enough.
Are you kidding? I freaking love that game, and the song is definitely a good love song. I’m also very secure about my masculinity as well.
You, sir, are a real man. Congratulations. There are many that can learn from you.
I <3 That song. It does help that for some reason it seems to be like an audible female viagra for my girlfriend though. 🙂
Also not to totally detract, but have any of you played the heavy metal version….that is also a good song.
Good song. I can say that and I’m admittedly not even secure in my masculinity. XD
ehh.. I’m not too fond of it, not because of the song but for whatever reason that version is a lot more buggy and lags quite often… still not entirely sure if its meant to be that way or not…
I like both of them. I generally spend half my RUA time on the original one and the other half on the Heavy Metal one. But somehow the original is just slighty more epic.
At first I thought, that it’s new Deathmøle/Jeph Jacques song (with most unicorn-named songs like: Unicorn Battle, The Pyrrhic Victory of The Unicorn Prince, Unicorn Battle Tactics, With Flowing Manes They Charge,… it’s not hard to imagine), but hey, this is game is pure awesomeness!
I like the heavy metal version a little bit more – mainly because the Blind Guardian (my all-time favorite band) theme song – but both versions are damn good. Although I think Deathmøle’s Unicorn Battle would be even more epic for heavy metal version :~)
And yes, I’m very secure about my masculinity.
would really rather starting a relationship, instead of being just friends bedding, both looked at begin
I always thought Second Winds referred to physically taxing activities like marathons or as the case tends to be here in TG, sex. Or talk about sex.
I just went right to the Billy Joel song of the same name. What, no fans here? Mr. Joel will be very disappointed. 😉
Pink Freud
That was my first thought, and I definitely appropriate for the circumstances here
Nick Wright
My brother kicked Billy Joel once. He was still in utero at the time, but I’m counting it.
All i wanna say is:
I wanna see a running gag