The comics still take me between 3 and 5 hours per page typically. It would be doable if I didn’t also have a day job. When I’m able to make my living on comics, it’s definitely the plan.
You could be right. With the way he said “Silence!!!”, I am beginning to suspect he could in fact be Achmed the Dead Terrorist, or at least a close relative of his.
Sir Bouncealot
Hmmm. I suspect you may be correct. At least he didn’t say: “The Negro Guy Keel You!”
Well, that is the reason I want a fluffy one. Harder to find. And I personally dislike buying things off the internet. It takes all the fun out of finding the item yourself. Won’t stop me from buying epic shirts though.
I actually eat raw meat, preferably with a little bit of salt on it. And I say, if that sweetie Les wants raw meat and blood – eat the sirloin. Stick with the beef. If he wants to get parasites – eat pork.
Luckily for me, I’ve never eaten raw pork. Yuck. That would be disgusting. And no, it’s not because I’m Jewish – I just try to avoid pork because it’s probably the worst food ever to put in your mouth. I eat bacon, though.
Now you have lots of interesting and incredibly unnecessary information about me. Enjoy. ^^
you’re talking about Tar Tar. where the meat is seasoned or marinated, then lightly grilled or left raw. if its fresh sirloin, sure, why not? however, if its something that has been near a supermarket, never-mind the refrigerated shelves, i say no, because there is always bacteria growth, always. Also, saying you don’t eat pork because its unhealthy then saying you eat bacon is like saying you don’t play football without a helmet but you go skydiving without a parachute. While bacon is the god of meat, what you said is ignorant and hypocritical. Also, have you seen what chickens eat? how about the hormones they pump into cows to make them meatier? if you want to eat “healthy” then you better stick to fish and rice, but then again there is always mercury poisoning, not to mention the carbohydrates would make you lethargic….
the point i’m trying to make is that everything, and i mean everything, is bad for you. The key is moderation.
Oh my holy cow, what is wrong with you? o.O I am not the one trying to eat healthy, thank you for jumping to conclusions way too quickly. When did I say I wanted to eat healthy? -.- I don’t eat much pork, because I don’t like the taste of it and it is bad for you. I would avoid it even if it was really really healthy. My parents doesn’t want me to eat too much pork, that is why I don’t eat it because of the unhealthy-reason. MY reason is the taste. THEIR reason is the unhealthy-stuff. The only pork that tastes good is (some) bacon or my brothers barbecue.
And I have no idea what-so-ever what Tar Tar is. But I do now that eating raw pork is a good way to get parasites. Besides, I don’t really like the taste of chicken either.
How about stop jumping to conclusions and insult people without any reason? And I’m the one being “ignorant”… Yeah, right.
It’s not my fault that my dad is a complete health-freak who runs his own business and is a controlling bastard who shouldn’t be allowed to have children or what you said is both stupid and unnecessary.
Sometimes, I feel a little sorry for Les because the others won’t allow him to show his true self. Then I remember his true self is a bit of a twat and is giving people my age a bad name, and I’m ok with it again.
Heh, sad enough for him that isn’t blood he’s been drinking from all that meat. It’s just water and the natural enzymes that occur that are responsible for breaking down the muscle as it ages and making it tender.
Don’t be a pansy, you just lost the game. and when you come back to check this reply, you’ll lose again. and when you try to prove me wrong, you’ll lose again. when you get angry for losing so much, you will tell someone about it, and you will lose again. the game exists. unless you are non-existent (or Chuck Norris), you are a part of it. there is no escape.
nope not unless everyone who has ever been apart of the game agrees that it doesn’t exist. unfortunately, in the process, you would not only lose the game, several million times, but you would probably introduce the concept to thousands of new players, who would then try to get their friends to play. It’s a loop function, and you basically need to destroy the hard drive in order to end it. the hard drive being the human race of course.
The original Treading Ground comics were created between 2003 and 2011. As such, you'll find some unfortunate hallmarks of raunchy comedies of the time. These include casual misogyny, dubious sexual situations, insensitive edgelord humor and a character using the r-slur.
While these are not typically portrayed as positive, it's definitely not how I would write the comic today, and you should know that going in. That said, there's still a lot of good stuff here.
There's also some nudity. Consider the whole comic NSFW!
68 thoughts on “The Specialist”
I just lost The Game
while stealing first good sir.
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy says way to go! You have succeeded and failed at the same time!!
David Herbert
Crap, I lost too. Curse you GAME!
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy as no interest playing The Game…fuck I lost…
Well dudes, looks like I win again…
Winning like Charlie Sheen.
Sir Bouncealot
This? Now this is made of win fine Sir.
oh god i love les.
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy says yep…
I know, it makes the Loss all the better.
As far as I’m concerned, this beach party can go on indefinitely. ^_^
Nick Wright
It is a pretty huge arc. At times like these I wish I was fast enough to update 5 days a week.
With the endless possibilities of technology nowadays, you could do that and make short treading ground films.
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy thinks there should be some whips, chains and kinky leather. Just saying.
Sir Bouncealot
Snakeskin Leather? That’s pretty damn kinky.
Nick Wright
The comics still take me between 3 and 5 hours per page typically. It would be doable if I didn’t also have a day job. When I’m able to make my living on comics, it’s definitely the plan.
Won’t you have finished this story by then?
Nick Wright
Yep. Hence the “times like these” not “this specific storyline.”
Just checking.
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy says put it in The Negro Guy’s hands. The Negro Guy would make it 5 days worth of HD Quality “Footage!”
Sir Bouncealot
I do hope that wasn’t a reference to a foot fetish you have.
Dr. wonderful
He’s a goddamn liar. Of course he going to wring out a few steaks for their blood, keep it in the cup and sneak off to enjoy his “Reward.”
Sneaky bastard.
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy says most vampires are.
Greenwood Goat
Either that or we will get to see him battling temptation in amusing fashion.
“But can mere mortals hold one such as me to a vow?! I will outlive them! …though the steak will be gone long before then…. damn.
The Negro Guy
The Negro Guy thinks Les looks like a pale penis. Just saying.
And the Negro Guy has seen enough pale penises to make such a comparison?
The Negro Guy
Sir Bouncealot
Mayhaps he isn’t as Negro as we believe?
You could be right. With the way he said “Silence!!!”, I am beginning to suspect he could in fact be Achmed the Dead Terrorist, or at least a close relative of his.
Sir Bouncealot
Hmmm. I suspect you may be correct. At least he didn’t say: “The Negro Guy Keel You!”
haha i love the apron
That Jewish Dude
The apron was the topic of many discussions. Does it really say that, Or was it sabotaged/modified to say that?
If you look closely at the c in the first panel, you can see some black.
Arne must’ve gotten busy with his Super Sharpie. 😉
That Jewish Dude
What’s with the way that Bill says ‘Oh No!’? It just seems like something out of a Nick Jr. Cartoon.
Nick Wright
If you haven’t noticed, Bill’s kind of a dork.
That Jewish Dude
That Jewish Dude noticed, but he didn’t think that Bill was that big of a dork.
Sir Bouncealot
Always did want one of those fluffy Chef Hats.
It’s called a toque, but most of them aren’t fluffy. Though you might be able to find one online – I’m sure someone must sell them.
Sir Bouncealot
Well, that is the reason I want a fluffy one. Harder to find. And I personally dislike buying things off the internet. It takes all the fun out of finding the item yourself. Won’t stop me from buying epic shirts though.
I wish you luck on your quest, good sir.
I actually eat raw meat, preferably with a little bit of salt on it. And I say, if that sweetie Les wants raw meat and blood – eat the sirloin. Stick with the beef. If he wants to get parasites – eat pork.
Luckily for me, I’ve never eaten raw pork. Yuck. That would be disgusting. And no, it’s not because I’m Jewish – I just try to avoid pork because it’s probably the worst food ever to put in your mouth. I eat bacon, though.
Now you have lots of interesting and incredibly unnecessary information about me. Enjoy. ^^
Uh…thank you?
Sir Bouncealot
Aaaand. Well. I think you took care of yourself in this one.
I’m finding it both strange and rather funny that your name is Sir Bouncealot, and one of my online names is Sir Bunks Alot….
Sir Bouncealot
At times, when I’m in a chipper mood, I even go by Sir Dancealot.
Havn’t we covered this before?
Sir Bouncealot
Yes. We have. However, repetition makes you remember things.
You can say that again…
Sir Dude Man Guy
Well I’ve been going by Sir Dude Man Guy lately, maybe it’s a spring thing? makes all the Sirs come out of hiding?
you’re talking about Tar Tar. where the meat is seasoned or marinated, then lightly grilled or left raw. if its fresh sirloin, sure, why not? however, if its something that has been near a supermarket, never-mind the refrigerated shelves, i say no, because there is always bacteria growth, always. Also, saying you don’t eat pork because its unhealthy then saying you eat bacon is like saying you don’t play football without a helmet but you go skydiving without a parachute. While bacon is the god of meat, what you said is ignorant and hypocritical. Also, have you seen what chickens eat? how about the hormones they pump into cows to make them meatier? if you want to eat “healthy” then you better stick to fish and rice, but then again there is always mercury poisoning, not to mention the carbohydrates would make you lethargic….
the point i’m trying to make is that everything, and i mean everything, is bad for you. The key is moderation.
Oh my holy cow, what is wrong with you? o.O I am not the one trying to eat healthy, thank you for jumping to conclusions way too quickly. When did I say I wanted to eat healthy? -.- I don’t eat much pork, because I don’t like the taste of it and it is bad for you. I would avoid it even if it was really really healthy. My parents doesn’t want me to eat too much pork, that is why I don’t eat it because of the unhealthy-reason. MY reason is the taste. THEIR reason is the unhealthy-stuff. The only pork that tastes good is (some) bacon or my brothers barbecue.
And I have no idea what-so-ever what Tar Tar is. But I do now that eating raw pork is a good way to get parasites. Besides, I don’t really like the taste of chicken either.
How about stop jumping to conclusions and insult people without any reason? And I’m the one being “ignorant”… Yeah, right.
It’s not my fault that my dad is a complete health-freak who runs his own business and is a controlling bastard who shouldn’t be allowed to have children or what you said is both stupid and unnecessary.
Sometimes, I feel a little sorry for Les because the others won’t allow him to show his true self. Then I remember his true self is a bit of a twat and is giving people my age a bad name, and I’m ok with it again.
Maybe this is why I like Les. Never fails to make me laugh.
Heh, sad enough for him that isn’t blood he’s been drinking from all that meat. It’s just water and the natural enzymes that occur that are responsible for breaking down the muscle as it ages and making it tender.
also, is that apron supposed to say “kiss the cock”
Heath Ledger Joker
This webcomic deserves a better class of commenter. And I’m gonna give it to them!
I see what ya did there. Thumbs up!
The Game Is A Lie. Bet he bottles the drippings for later use
Don’t be a pansy, you just lost the game. and when you come back to check this reply, you’ll lose again. and when you try to prove me wrong, you’ll lose again. when you get angry for losing so much, you will tell someone about it, and you will lose again. the game exists. unless you are non-existent (or Chuck Norris), you are a part of it. there is no escape.
The Game is Legion
the games been over for more than a year now
nope not unless everyone who has ever been apart of the game agrees that it doesn’t exist. unfortunately, in the process, you would not only lose the game, several million times, but you would probably introduce the concept to thousands of new players, who would then try to get their friends to play. It’s a loop function, and you basically need to destroy the hard drive in order to end it. the hard drive being the human race of course.
Nick Wright
Hey guys, I think we all just lost the Kramegame.
Sir Dude Man Guy
I always thought the cake was a lie?
loving the storyline – when do the booze-fueled antics commence?
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Content Advisory
The original Treading Ground comics were created between 2003 and 2011. As such, you'll find some unfortunate hallmarks of raunchy comedies of the time. These include casual misogyny, dubious sexual situations, insensitive edgelord humor and a character using the r-slur.
While these are not typically portrayed as positive, it's definitely not how I would write the comic today, and you should know that going in. That said, there's still a lot of good stuff here.
There's also some nudity. Consider the whole comic NSFW!
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